Since it came up on social media…

So I’m currently only on Patreon as a patron and not as a creator. But I do have a very simple monthly/yearly exclusive download subscription that you are all welcome to take part in if you wish. I send out an exclusive mp3 to my subscribers each month.  I have offered this (via PayPal) since 2009. No pressure on this. None. Zero. But you’re welcome to join us if you like and if your budget allows. It’s very un-fancy (I email everybody individually with a file or a link to stream/download and that’s it), but we have a good time. 

I use this as a way to try new things (for December I recorded an exclusive 15-minute podcast with unplugged live cuts of three of the new songs I wrote in 2017, plus some “talky bits” as brother Damh always says), to let you have sneak peeks of stuff before it’s released, and to share things I’ve had buried in hard drives for ages that nobody’s heard.  Sometimes I send out live performances of songs, but more often I send unreleased tunes or bits of narration, brand new things or older things that just haven’t had their turn yet. It keeps me creating and gives me a regular deadline, plus a little money for tea or gas or a donation to causes I care about. There are about 25 of us right now, and there will always be room for more.  Also, you can sign up or cancel at any time; whatever you need to do is ok with me. 

Happy 2018, all!  Here is the link to subscribe ($10 monthly or $100 yearly)