50 FREE SONGS and other goodies!

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, Requiem of Pandora Celtica has herded a host of musicians, including yours truly, together for a FREE digital St. Patrick’s Day compilation, including more than fifty tunes!  You have our blessing to download it here right now, and then spread it to as many friends as you can.  Let’s viralize this beautiful thing!

Yes.  Really.  No, no strings attached.  We’re giving you over fifty free tunes because we can, because we wanna, because you’re awesome.  Please download the songs and share the link!  Burn CDs for friends and coworkers if you like!


Yesterday afternoon, I was lucky enough to participate in some unscripted music with my friends Leela, Alex, and Ryan.  It was a harp-drum-guitar jam, the likes of which I always try to say yes to.  Here’s a snippet of that jam session, captured by the divine Elizabeth R. McClellan.  Hope you enjoy it.