Mother’s Day Extension and Flowers, Just Because

I’ve been posting a whole heap of photos over at my Instagram account, including the ones in this post.  If you’d like to follow me there, come on over.

Here are the flower photos I posted on Mother’s Day, just in case some of you amazing Mothers/Warriors/Dream-makers missed them and need a lift today.  All the blossoms presented here are currently doing their thing in either my Mom’s yard, or on the family land at Camp Timberlake.  I hope you enjoy!

Meme's Irises are so fancy after the rain.

MeMe’s Irises are so fancy after the rain.


As are her roses.

As are her roses.


Mom's roses don't apologize for their sprawling loveliness, so why should we?

Mom’s roses don’t apologize for their sprawling loveliness, so why should we?