New song this week: Dragon in my Pocket

I’m still participating in my song-a-week commitment.  I decided to turn up the cute for this one.  I know I’m not the only kid who can relate to wishing we could have dragons around!

DRAGON IN MY POCKET c. S. J. Tucker, 2015

Some days I want a dragon of my own.
It’s a thought that makes me smile when I’m alone.
She’d have blazing breath and burning eyes
and always be able to change her size,
so nomatter where I went, she would be there,
hidden in my backpack or my hair.
And she’d frighten all the bullies
into nice kids
with a single giant swoop into the air!
But I don’t have a fifty-foot best friend
with a roar that tells my enemies to scram.
No, I don’t have a dragon in my pocket,
So I guess I’ll have to handle it as I am.
She’d be the kind of dragon you could trust.
We’d never ever have to take the bus.
She’d be brave and compassionate and just a little sly.
“A dragon ate my homework” would no longer be a lie!
Oh, and Mom and Dad would both have dragons, too.
We would never really need to see the zoo.
And our family reunions would always be the best
cuz the dragons would invite their family too!
But I don’t have a fifty-foot best friend
with a roar that tells my enemies to scram.
No, I don’t have a dragon in my pocket,
So I guess I’ll have to handle it as I am.
It’d be great to have a buddy several
times as big as me, but now
I’m thinking that a dragon is a
better thing to be
than lonely on the playground
every single day.
How could I be frightened of
the space beneath my bed
if a pile of gold and treasure
is the place I lay my head?
And how could I be lonely when I’m
even if the sky turns gray?
I’d love to be the talk of the town
for burning my bully’s house down,
with blazing breath and burning eyes
a fair trade for the element of surprise.
And I’d love to be incredibly big and strong
but known far and wide for being kind,
so that even if my teeth were sharp and scary,
you’d feel perfectly at ease to tell me
what was on your mind.
But I don’t have a fifty-foot wingspan
or a roar that tells my enemies to scram.
And I don’t have a dragon in my pocket,
So I’m gonna have to handle it as I am.
Someday I’ll have a dragon in my pocket
but for now, I have to handle it as I am.