“A little music, a little magic, a lotta love!”

I had a blast being a guest on the Dr. Pat show yesterday.  She calls it Transformative Radio for a reason.

Dr. Pat and her crew have archived the interview, so click here if you’d like to listen!  We had a wonderful time boosting my upcoming show at the Women of Wisdom conference in Seattle, talking about what it takes to live your dream, and talking about my Wonders album.  Definitely in my top five favorite interviews ever!


Dr. Pat!

Dr. Pat!


One thing I did not get a chance to do during the interview was mention my foremost collaborator and stage mate, the incredible Betsy Tinney.  Betsy will join me in performance at the Women of Wisdom conference, and I’m thrilled to have her with me.  Plus, there’s that awesome new cello-tastic album of hers that you should go and download ASAP!

