Big Healthy Update part one

Hi, everyone!  Happy March full moon and happy spring equinox!  I hope your allergies are frolicking a lot less than mine!

First let me say that my heart is in my throat at this week’s news, as ever.  The bombings in Nigeria, Turkey, and Belgium are devastating.
Any of you who were directly affected, or have friends and family whose lives have been directly affected by these tragedies, know that I wish I could turn back the clock with my own strength, and in so doing, keep you all safe.  If there is any comfort I may offer to you as an artist, I will do my best to give it, always.

Secondly, thank you all for your enthusiasm and kind words over my birthday song release, “Snow Moon”.  March’s full moon was high in the sky last night, and so I’m already inspired to write more full moon songs for release in the future.  If you want regular sneak peeks into what I’m working on as it develops, and new songs before I release them to the rest of the world, think about signing up to be one of my monthly or yearly subscribers!  More info on that here.


I’ll be performing this Saturday evening at a free event in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and I want to make sure that you all know about it.
The Fayetteville Underground Art Gallery in Fayetteville Square has long hosted Last Saturday, a monthly showcase of local poetry and music.
This Saturday, March 26th, Last Saturday presents Dougapalooza, a free benefit show in support of Last Saturday’s friend and mine, poet Doug Shields.
I met Doug in 1997 when we were both barely legal.  Doug has always been supportive of other’s works and acts of expression, and he’s recently recovered from a pretty gnarly bicycle accident.  I’m joining the Last Saturday crew at their request, to help collect donations to go toward Doug’s remaining hospital bills and expenses.
Many of you know that I had my own unexpected hospital stay in late 2008/early 2009.  I couldn’t say no to this, having been exactly where Doug is now.
If you’re in town, I hope you’ll join us.
Both Last Saturday and the Gallery bar will collect as much money for Doug as we can.  There is no cover charge, but all donations collected will go back to Doug.

March 26, 2016 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Fayetteville Underground Art Gallery, Fayetteville Square

101 W Mountain St
Fayetteville, AR 72701

After Dougapalooza closes down, I’ll hop over to hear my friend Jori Costello DJ a dance at the Goddess Festival!  You can find more info about that event on Facebook.


I’ll be back in Fayetteville next month for THE AMAZON WOMEN’S MUSIC FESTIVAL, and I hope you’ll join us!  Everyone is welcome.  Grab tickets here!



I get to visit the lovely Bekah Kelso next month down in Texas, and while we’re together, we’ll do a streamed concert online together!  That’ll be Monday, April 11th, at 7PM CST, on Bekah’s Concert Window Channel.  We’ll be LIVE FROM THE LIVING ROOM!  Click here for all the details.


Did you know that my husband Ryan and I have our first co-written published story together in the Mage: the Ascension fiction anthology, Truth Beyond ParadoxCheck it out here!

THE ANGELS OF THE MEANWHILE ANTHOLOGY drops on April 1st, no foolin’!  Name your own price for this monster-friendly e-book of secrets, and help out our sister Elizabeth McClellan (aka Pope Lizbet) in the process!  Check out that impressive table of contents, and click here to order!


So many of my friends and fans are kicking butt, crowdfunding to change their lives and get their projects off the ground.  Here are the crowdfunding projects I’m currently aware of that are being run by or on behalf of good friends of mine:

Philly-area Friend of Fandom Hugh Casey is going through surgery (and all that goes with it) as he battles cancer.

Coyote Ward is in search of the best possible packmate as she battles cancer.

Shell Snell Johnson, one of the mothers of my heart, is raising funds to help herself and her husband Larry make their home more accessible, and for training for long-term care, since they both recently survived a whole pile of medical hardships.

Lyra Madrona is starting her own fiber arts business

Amira Sara Pelfrey is traveling to Turkey to learn all that she can, and to do all the good she can possibly do for Syrian refugees and others.

Charles Becker is raising funds to rescue his fiancee from what may be a very, VERY bad situation.  (TW for those of you who’ve survived the Troubled Teen Industry.)

The world-class Nathaniel Johnstone Band is gearing up to create their next album, The Mother Matrix!

A group of Tennessee pagans who’ve known me and supported me since my very early indie touring days are raising money for their own worship & educational center, which will be open to all people and all faiths!