Birthday Week Plans

Today:  recording fujara samples and working on a demo song for a video game called Dragon!

Friday:  Skype meetings about the video game and a project Heather Dale is working on.

Saturday:  Finishing up a piece for my song prompt of the week, if I haven’t handled that by now, and performing in support of the Poison Into Medicine Art Show at Gallery 360 in Little Rock in the evening

Sunday:  belly dance jam with my teacher Melissa!  Oh yeah, and turning thirty-five (whoa). 🙂

Monday:  massage!

Tuesday-Wednesday: possible visit with my mother, if she can work me in. 😉

Thursday:  prep for my first-ever shows in Lawton, Oklahoma over the weekend!  There are still a few tickets available for the Friday concert–grab yours here.

Blessed and successful Year of the Sheep to everyone!  Hope your birthday plans this year are as sweet as mine. <3