Call to Creative Collaborative Action!

One of my friends is calling for submissions for a chapbook!

We’ve got a mutual word-sister who’s always ready to drop everything and help the people she cares about, whether or not she’s met them face to face yet.  Elizabeth inspires me, goes to bat for me, and works her tail off in law and in writing, whether it’s spec poetry, fiction, or legalese.  She is editor, attorney, Lost Girl, monster girl advocate, and wordsmith goddess.

What she needs, and what Alexandra Erin’s anthology-to-be will hopefully bring, is help fixing her shoulder- fixing it despite the fact that her insurance only wants to cover physical therapy (debilitating in this case), not surgery (better-making in this case).

Check out Alexandra’s post, and send her something tasty if you wish!  You may also send a money donation if you’d prefer.