Concert Sponsor Shout-out: Author Christin Keck & her new novel!

I’ve had a wonderful time these past several weeks getting to know author Christin Keck a little bit at a time as we exchange Facebook messages.  Christin is a hoot of a storyteller, and I’m spending some quality time with her book, The Goddess Loves Your Shoes.  Simply put, Christin’s work reminds me of one of the most important things any Pagan teacher in my life ever taught me:  don’t ever take yourself or your path too seriously.  😀  She does so in her written works with fearless panache and sarcasm, and I LOVE IT.  Mama Dragon would approve.

Example (Pagans, take note):  remember that one ritual?  Yeah, that one.  The one when the potluck had no cups for drinks, everybody had Raven and/or Moon and/or Wolf as part of their magickal names, and somebody’s outfit fell clean off during the ceremony?  Yup.  The horror!  The mirth!!  Been there.  I think we all have.

Christin also has proven herself to be an enthusiastic supporter of all things S. J.  This woman must have a heart of gold.  She’s given me some wonderful leads for future concerts, she’s heaped compliments upon my grateful head, AND she’s a top-dollar sponsor for my Youngstown, OH concert on May 7 of this year.  Not only that, but she’s boosted the concert further by making it a joint effort between us:  not only will I sing my booty off that night, but Christin will also celebrate the release of her newest book, Mini-apple Loss!  Double, double, toil and trouble, baby!  Gonna be as wicked as it gets!

Get tickets for our tag-team event of awesomeness: click here!

Grab a poster or handbill and share with your peeps: click here!

More on Christin’s new book and her awesome self:

Mini-Apple Loss is Christin Keck’s sixth novel, and the fourth in the Cassie Rivers Adventures series.  It’s a tale that involves the Goddess Eris, the Mini-apple of Chaos and Discord (or one of them, anyway) and a small Greek man who can turn into a dog. We also meet an old nemesis from the previous stories, a character from ancient times, and there is also a bit of confusion over Moon-Unit Zappa and some were-Irish Setters. This book introduces Cassie and Jack’s detective agency  which solves rather unusual cases—the Arcane Agency.

Come meet Cassie—she’s smart, funny, capable and sensible, unlike most of the people she meets in her business. Along with her husband Jack, her friends Mirra and Lizzie and her part-time office administrator Susie, she gets herself into all sorts of crazy situations and has to use her brains and some unusual rituals to get herself and her friends out of them! Humor is liberally applied throughout all the Cassie stories, and you never quite know how they might end up; there are surprises around every turn.

Christin herself has lived in Akron, Ohio for the past 9 years, in the rectory of the church where she got baptized when she was 6. The convoluted way she got there is a (long) story in itself—let’s just say that she has lived an “interesting” life (if you think about the old Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times” you’ll understand.) Christin has two sons, one who lives with her, and one who doesn’t. She has four cats and drives a red Ford. And she considers humor to be the most important thing a person can cultivate—especially when one lives an “interesting” life. If you can’t laugh, you can’t live, so she tries to laugh a lot, because she intends to live a long, long time.

Her books are:

The Goddess Loves Your Shoes: Book 1 of the Cassie Rivers Adventures

Altared States: Book 2 of the CRA

Infantasia: Book 3 of the CRA

Mini-Apple Loss: Book 4 of the CRA


Cowcoons, and Other Tall Tales From Real Life

Christin continues to write and laugh—and hopes that everyone enjoys the work she produces.

All books are available on or on the website in both paperback and for Kindle E-readers.

Heeeere's CHRISTIN!

Heeeere’s CHRISTIN!