May 12, 2024 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Foundation Studios
Enjoy a lively, amusing, heart-filled performance from Amy Steinberg & her friends S. J. Tucker and Ginger Doss on Mother’s Day evening!
Uplifting, enlightening and hilarious with a voice that can burn the house down, Amy Steinberg is singer, songwriter and storyteller like none other. She plays the piano and guitar with her own swingy rhythmic bounce, injecting shades of jazz, rock, hip hop, and poetry, all with a theatrical flair. Deeply soulful, with her power belt, she sings of self-love, open-mindedness, and the holiness of everything.
Songwriter S. J. Tucker is the voice of lore at the campfire and the sharp laughter of modern myth, influenced both by real life voices from the Delta & also those of the dangerous sirens of yore. With one hand anchored in her art and the other held out to you, she is songs and stories, community and wit. If you vibe to Jesca Hoop, Joni Mitchell, and/or Dr. Teeth & the Electric Mayhem, S. J. (“Sooj” to fans & friends) has a song for you, spun with skillful guitar, locked-in hand drums, and soaring vocals.
Producer & keyboard bard Ginger Doss’ dynamic and compelling songwriting explores multiple genres, including rock, alternative groove, tribal and folk and is inspired by a passionate and diverse study of spirituality. Come dance your own path to the divine between their masterful notes & life changing lyrics.
Doors open at 6:30 pm Eastern, music starts at 7:00 pm.