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December 17, 2023 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Asheville Raven & Crone
640 Merrimon Ave Suite 207 Asheville
NC 28804
640 Merrimon Ave Suite 207 Asheville
NC 28804
$20 suggested donation, no one turned away!

5-6pm Meet-N-Greet with S. J. Tucker. She’ll have merchandise with her.
6pm-8pm Concert
Musician S. J. Tucker is the voice of lore at the campfire and the sharp laughter of modern myth, a whimsical wisdom keeper whose concert performances run the gamut from silly to sacred and back again. Witches & Pagans Magazine named her “the voice of neotribal Paganism”, and The Wild Hunt calls her work a surprise and a delight. Whether you found her through solid crowd favorites like “Hymn to Herne” or “Firebird’s Child”, or you’re encountering her fierce, welcoming spirit on stage for the first time this year, S. J. has a song for you. With deft guitar, skillful hand drums, and a siren’s compelling vocals, she wields an award-winning body of original music, both plugged and unplugged, known for changing lives and healing wounded hearts. S. J. (“Sooj” to fans & friends) is proud to contribute to the soundtrack of our emotional, spiritual, and magical (r)evolution.
Listen for free & join the fan family:
Tour dates & blog:
Back Sooj on Patreon:
Social media: @sjtuckermusic
Songs available on all eleventy-billion streaming apps.
Extra special thanks to Byron Ballard and everyone at Asheville Raven & Crone!