620 Charlotte Street
Fredericksburg, VA 22401

The Pixie Pirate Powerhouse and the Stealth Cellist join forces with Renaissance man Ken Om Crampton on drums, for the first time, as they all ramp up for FaerieCon East!
Long-time friends and collaborators, Sooj and Betsy are proud to kick their Beltway Mini Tour off with a concert that’s sure to be over the top on the FUN scale, joining drummer and Renaissance man Ken Om Crampton at his own Eyeclopes Studio, aka Everybody Drum, in beautiful Fredericksburg, VA. If you can’t make it to the trio’s FaerieCon East concert in Hunt Valley, MD over the weekend, you’re in luck! This concert will be a more full and intimate evening with good tunes, good stories, and plenty of laughter. This will also be the first time that Sooj, Betsy and Ken have shared the stage, all three together. History shall be made; shenanigans shall occur; a good time shall be had by all!
More about Ken & his magical drum crusade: http://everybodydrum.com/wp/