Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, located at 5101 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, California, 95054
Welcome to BayCon 31! In eerie symmetry, 2013 will see the 31st incarnation of our convention! Recognizing the infamy of the number 13, our veteran Chair, Caradwen “Sabre” von Braskat will usher in Triskaidekaphobicon: the BayCon where the theme is 13!
Author Guest of Honor: Lois McMaster Bujold!
Other than the obvious answer of “the year is 2013 and we’re in a hotel with a 13th floor” (which is very much a rarity), we plan on exploring and emphasizing a bit of the darker side of fantasy and science fiction. The morphology of myth and legend is always fascinating and our programming will include looking at where superstitions and old wives tales, etc. come from as well as how they’ve changed over time.
We’ll also take a look at these things from a different perspective. For example, in “The Three Little Pigs”, what if we remember that the Wolf was following his nature when terribly hungry? It’s fascinating to explore these things that are part of our consciousness and culture, and that we use to teach our children, but how has the message, and the lesson, changed over the centuries?