Sooj Performs at Salt Lake City Pagan Pride Day

September 12, 2015 all-day
Murray City Park
5175 Parkside Drive
Murray, UT 84107
Sooj Performs at Salt Lake City Pagan Pride Day @ Murray City Park | Murray | Utah | United States

It’s that time of year again, when Pagan Pride Day events across the country occur in parks and community spaces, seeking to educate and build positive community awesomeness!  The event is free, but please bring a non-perishable item for the Food & Blanket Drive that Pagan Pride Day is sponsoring in the name of The Road Homea private non-profit social service agency that assists individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Salt Lake County and along the Wasatch Front.

Sooj will perform solo from 12:15pm to 1:15pm.  Special thanks to Crone’s Hollow, Tammy, and Debra for helping this big of magick to come true at the last minute!