Fly Away Home

The sun is coming up in Seattle as my partner and I wait to board our flight home.  We’ve had another wonderful visit with friends and fans in the PNW.  It’s been a pretty exceptional reunion up here, and we’ve got several more of the same sort planned at home in the South as the holidays continue.  Color me happy.

I got a chance to play music with Bekah Kelso, Betsy Tinney, Ryan Kelso, Sunnie Larson, Clint McCune and his buddy Aaron, Geli Wuerzner, and Sharon Knight & Winter, all in the same trip.  I’ve linked those artists and their fabulousness if you want to start clicking and checking them out.  Some of our collaborations were planned, others were entirely spontaneous, and all were delightful for me, and I suspect for just about everybody else who was in the room at the time.  Thank you, bandmates, fans, family and friends!

If you were not in the room during our big concert on Nov. 22nd, and especially if you were watching the live stream when it failed, keep an eye on my Youtube channel – I’ll be posting the archived video from the live stream (including the songs in my set that didn’t get broadcast at the time!) over the next few days.