Gratitude, all sorts

I’m home with a sick kitty today, watching the blustery rain from safety.  Hope you’re all safe and warm, too. Minko, our jellicle girl, isn’t feeling well.  She’s having a little bit of water now, with Ryan’s help.  We’re hoping she rallies, as she was bouncing all over the place last night at zoom o’clock.

I felt very, VERY strong during last night’s concert. The occasional mistake was less devastation, more seasoning in the recipe. It’s amazing how tough we can be on ourselves. The trick is to keep going, keep working, keep practicing, keep doing what you do. The trick is to dial down the wicked, nasty, hateful voices who tell you you’re not good enough. I have to work on this constantly as a performer and composer.

I received a host of requests for this show from fans via Facebook, and most of those requests were for songs I hadn’t had a chance to perform in a long while.  I’m grateful to have had a chance to brush the cobwebs away from those dear friends; we made a fine showing, indeed.  I’m also grateful to find that they still thrive in my heart, voice, mind, and fingers, that they had not forsaken me from long neglect.  I was worried, a little, but again, the trick is to practice. 😉  Highlights included performing “Follow Me Down”, “Eulogy Song”, “City of Marrow”, and “Were-Owl” with Ben and Heather for the very first time, with just a smidge of rehearsal backstage before we got going.  Sheer magic, I’m telling you.  Magic and synergy and trust.

It didn’t hurt that last night’s audience was incredible and attentive, whooping after almost every song–thank you all! Mad props for loving us loudly, even in the gallery’s small space, and not being embarrassed to show your joy! It really, REALLY gives us a boost. As Melody Gardot says, with music, “there is no glass wall.” We give and we give, all of us, from both sides of the stage. This is what keeps me going and what keeps me coming back. Thank you!

It also didn’t hurt that my mother came to the concert- the first one she’s been able to see of mine this year. I love my Mom and it meant the world to me that she was there.

Bon Voyage to Ben and Heather, who are on their way to Dallas now through the wind and the rain. I’m pleased to report that their Celtic Avalon fundraiser is now less than $9k from its goal, and that I have officially confirmed my willingness to be one of the core cast members of Celtic Avalon when that show comes to pass!