Great Big Update!

Lots of important things to share today!

1.  NEW SHOW APRIL 4! I’ve had the good fortune to get a second chance to perform in Lawton, Oklahoma!  Winter weather and a nasty spot of illness kept me from making it for my originally scheduled February dates, but we’ve rescheduled for Saturday, April 4!  Please spread the word if you have friends or family in the area. 🙂  Tickets will be available here.

2. NEW SHOW LOCATION APRIL 10-12! One of my other big concerts for the month of April also has a new location.  The delightful, delicious Amazon Music Festival in Fayetteville, Arkansas has relocated to Teatro Scarpino!  Local lodging and parking info and the performance schedule may be found right here.

3. SCHEDULE CONFUSION CORRECTION!  I am listed as performing at Chi-Fi in Chicago this month, but that mention on the con’s website is incorrect.  I am actually performing at Oak Spirit Sanctuary’s Ostara festival that weekend, and it’s sure to be lovely!  Do support Chi-Fi if you can, just know that I won’t really be there, alas.

4. CONWAY PAGAN PRIDE DAY 2015!  When I performed for the first annual Conway Pagan Pride Day last year, in Simon Park, we had to take two “train solos” during my set. 🙂 I’ll almost miss being next to the tracks this year. A new city ordinance has caused the event organizers to need to set up a fundraiser, and find a new location.  Please help me support this event if you can. Many of you know what it’s like to have to keep your path under wraps because of the local political climate…and how good it can be to have community to celebrate with, face to face, every once in a while. I don’t want to see this event fade away after just one successful year.

5. STOLEN SEASON CD UPDATE!  I was hoping to have the CDs in hand by now, but my printing and replication company is still working to get them ready.  As soon as I have them, I’ll be shipping out pre-orders!  Those are still available by the way- get yours reserved right this minute, if you like!  I’ll be working with Ariel Publicity/CyberPR to support the release and create plenty of buzz.  You all have helped to make the whole thing possible, and I love you for it!

6. COZUMEL! I got to take a short family trip to Mexico (my first visit) last week.  Cozumel is breathtakingly beautiful, filled with kind people and many delights.  I was under the weather when we arrived, and by bedtime the first night, I was pretty much cured.  It’s a magical place.  I’ve posted a whole lot of photos from the trip on my Instagram page– you’re welcome to pop over there and enjoy.

Here’s a quick peek.  Can this be my office, please? 🙂

photo 1 (1)

7. EXCITEMENT AT HOME! While we were away on our trip, the most recent winter storm pounded two thirds of the country.  One of the things this caused was a break in the levee at the Timberlake Reservoir, which is quite literally outside my back door.  There were no casualties (it’s a modest lake), other than many, many poor fish.  Uncle Todd was on site with heavy equipment as soon as possible to stop up the break, and before that, he was out with a bucket, rescuing as many fish as he could.  My partner and I spent yesterday’s lunchtime adventuring in our best mud boots, re-homing mussels all around the lakeshore who’d been displaced by the fast loss of water.  My arms are sore today from the mission, but I do not regret it in the least.  We had quite a bit of rain overnight, as is common this time of year, so I’m hopeful that things will turn out all right for the little ecosystem.  I’ve never seen the water this low.  We’re doing our best to be good stewards.

8. THE NEWEST CANADIAN INVASION!  I’m playing host to the Heather Dale Band this week, and we’re working on some clever new things together, including songs, scripts, and costumes!  Watch for them at Gulf Wars next week, if you’re headed that way!

That’s all for now.  Thanks for reading, everyone. 🙂