Harvest Home – Mabon – Autumnal Equinox

Autumn burns before me,

around me and within.

Nothing less than magic

could draw the Winter in.

No less than these colors,

this wild and dancing wind,

could summon up an Equinox

to bid the change begin.

Blessed be the chaos,

the pattern and the dance!

Blessed be the falling leaves,

their colors all enhanced

by their dying! Blessed be the change

that sees the veil grow thin!

Autumn burns before me,

around me and within.

All Hail This Harvest Home! 

May we never dance alone!

All Hail This Harvest Home!

Let the change begin!

All Hail This Harvest Home!

May we never feast alone!

All Hail This Harvest Home!

Let the dance begin!


I promise to put music to this at some point. When I realized where/when we are on the calendar this morning, I had to sit right down and write something for Mabon.  May you feast today, and may you continue to feast as the colors grow more vivid, the pumpkins grow in number, and the Wheel of the Year turns on!
