Lady Vagabond Checks In: The Tour So Far

Happy Easter to all! Madison, WI is beautiful this morning. I’m grateful to my hosts, fans and friends in St. Louis, Chicago, and Madison for three fantastic shows over the weekend.  Extra special thanks go to Adrian, Sarah and Belle in St. Louis; to Amy, Steff, Shauna, Bill, Kris, Adam, Ronni and Aidan in Chicago; to James, Holly, Lory, Steve and all the rest of the Pegasus Games crew in Madison; to my wonderful Ryan, and especially to Alec and Kore.  It’s been a delightful tour so far, largely because of the talent, care, and awesomeness of these fine folks!

This week starts the leisurely trek to FKO in Ontario. It’s good to have friends all over the place who like to sing with you. I hate that I’ve said farewell to Alec after only two concerts together, but I’m so excited to get on stage again with Heather, Ben and John in a few days. FKO, I hope you’re ready. I think we’re all gonna have a really great time!

I’m now between shows for a few days.  The plan is to visit friends and family in Chicago and Ann Arbor, and not to stress that my Cultural Exchange paperwork isn’t back in my inbox yet– this is the stuff I must have at the Canadian border, or else they won’t let me in as a working musician.  Think good thoughts, everyone!  I will if you will.