Last Day for LR, Arthurian Awesome, Impending Poetry

Last day to get tickets for my Little Rock concert tomorrow with Heather Dale!  We have about ten seats left.  The nice thing about playing in such a small space is that there are no bad seats. 😉


Heather has undertaken a spectacular project to get more Arthurian legend awesomeness out in the world, and she’s asking for your help.  Check out the project’s page here, please tell your friends, and become a backer if you can.  Personally I’d love nothing more than to see Celtic Avalon spread its wings in the near future.  The fundraiser has eight days to go.  Oh, hey- it’s Pi Day!  Happy Pi Day! Did I mention that Heather frequently includes pie in her campaign video updates?  Mmmmm, pie.


I got to spend some time with one of my favorite people this week, and she let me know that she has a poetry event scheduled for next month, in the same space where Heather and I will be singing tomorrow!  Check out the info below, and if you wanna come down to the Gallery and get wordy, I highly recommend this event and this poet.  I’ll be there.


Jessica Otto poetry reading