Little Bird is still flying around!

Reviews are rolling in for Stolen Season and for the “Little Bird” music video, making my day and my mood absolutely soar.  The latest is from Stephen Vicino, founder of

S. J. Tucker’s album “Stolen Season” is the perfect mixture of folk, blues, and jazz. Her current single from the album is “Little Bird,” which is an upbeat optimistic tune that will get you through the rough days with ease. When listening to this song, there is no way you cannot feel a little bit happier than you were before listening. “Little Bird” is the perfect song to turn on when you are having a bad day. Towards the end of the track, S. J. encourages you to “keep on swimming and chasing after you big dreams” on tough days. All of that being said, if you are going through a rough patch, just turn on “Little Bird” and let S. J. Tucker inspire you!

I love high praise like this, but I love it even more when my intent for a song and the song’s effect match up perfectly in people’s listening experience!  My highest hope for “Little Bird” is that listening to the song and/or watching the video will give you a lift, a smile, or a better day in general.  Thanks so much, Stephen, and thanks also to all those who’ve given me Your stories and Your take on what the songs on Stolen Season mean to YOU!