New Interview, April 4 Concert, and Conway Pagan Pride Support

I had the good fortune to be interviewed for Radio KoL this week, and our host PVA has posted the (delightful and LONG) interview on his YouTube channel. 🙂  Check it out here!  We had a blast, so I hope you enjoy listening to it!  It’s rare that I get to geek out at length with a radio host about community, music genres, all kinds of music that we both love (including metal, surprise surprise), costuming, and inspiring others.  We also managed to talk about Stolen Season a fair bit, so feel free to share the link around as a way to help me boost the new album. 🙂  Bonus: you can hear PVA’s birds talking and singing behind us. 😀

I’ve got my first concert of the month tomorrow evening in Lawton, Oklahoma!  We will most likely have seats available at the door, but if you want to play it safe, you can grab tickets online until the early morning hours tomorrow – get tickets to the Lawton show here.


If you’re looking for a way to balance out a h8-allowing pizza joint in Indiana having raised over $500,000, I invite you to support Conway Pagan Pride Day 2015.  They’re asking for a comparatively measly $3,000 to cover venue rental for this year, since the city passed an ordinance that makes grassroots events in city parks nigh impossible.  SURELY, with our powers combined, we can raise this amount!  I performed at their inaugural event last October, and I found the group organized, efficient and kind, the audience receptive, engaged and welcoming.  Personally, I’d very much like to see the event continue, and not just because it’s the equivalent of a hometown concert for me.  The good news is that their 3K goal is reasonable and easy for us all to achieve together.  Donate via their website, or via their GoFundMe, whichever you prefer.  (I’m gonna be done with GoFundMe after this, but I feel that Conway Pagan Pride Day deserves my support.)