New Music and Stories to Download!

AWESOME ANNOUNCEMENT for today: together with Abney Park, Pandora Celtica, Alexander James Adams and others, I’m participating in my first-ever multimedia music bundle! Download lots of tunes and fiction at the price of your choice for the next eighteen days!

BONUS: there’s a stretch goal aspect to this.  More (unreleased!) downloads get unlocked the more bundles you guys choose to get.  My contribution? FIVE tracks from the album I’m working on right now, Stolen Season! You can’t get those anywhere else right now, because the album is still a work-in-progress. I hope we get enough downloads to unlock that basket of goodies! Spread the word and download here at whatever price you like (no, really): 

For those of you who’ve been curious, I’ve got some of the art for the new album already, courtesy once again of the delightful Mr. Chaz Kemp. 🙂  Check it out!

