New review!

Note:  This post has been edited to include the reviewer’s preferred personal pronouns.  Viva gender expansion!

Rev. Dr. P. Sufenas Virius Lupus (and yes, e has worked for both of those titles!) just posted a lovely, toothsome ramble of a review for Stolen Season on eirs blog!

The highlights for me:

-e declares “Little Bird” a song worthy of Doctor Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, which just makes my little Muppet heart fly through the roof!

-e faithfully shares how the title track affected em emotionally, calls it an understated epic, and says it is “the emotional heart of the work, singing and drinking deeply of a well of lost love, of unexpected adventures and outcomes, of worlds that cannot be integrated easily (or often at all). As much as it is in the long line of mythic compositions on such similar themes, there’s also something about it that I suspect will resonate with many devotional polytheists quite impactfully.”

Holy crap. 🙂  Color me grateful and humbled.

Read the review and check out eirs stunning, articulate blog here!