New Song: Cool Kids

My “write one new song a week from a random prompt” challenge and group is still going strong.  We’re thirty weeks in.  Hard to believe I’ve been writing one new song a week as part of this thing, since February!

This past week’s challenge was to write something on the subject of age, and to do so with humor.

I’m pretty pleased by this new little anthem.  The tune is a little bit Vaudeville.  I’ll definitely record this one over the winter.

copyright S. J. Tucker 2015

So you gotta work just a little bit harder
than you used to do
in order to get the bounce back in your stride
after a long, hard weekend
of helping people smile
and singing out your heart for love and pride?

It doesn’t make you any less
compelling than you were.
In fact, the grey you earn can trump the
rainbow you prefer!
So hoist the colors, baby,
and if they start to fade,
look upon the changes as the
gift you give to the whole parade!

I wanna age like the finest wine
like all of my friends who’ve grown so fine,
so fine it hurts to look at you!
All the cool kids are older than me.
it’s always been that way, you see.
when I catch up, I’ll be a cool kid, too.

Perfection is the enemy of
making good mistakes,
of learning all you can while you’re still here.
The story’s gonna write itself
in the lines upon my face,
so I’ll be a storyteller, don’t you fear.

Better for the Good Folk*
than for you or I,
to walk the world forever–never
age, never change, never die.
So let’s hoist the colors like the
pirates that we are,
and never get too old or proud
to wish upon a star!

I wanna age like the finest wine
like all of my friends who’ve grown so fine,
so fine it hurts to look at you!
All the cool kids are older than me.
it’s always been that way, you see.
When I catch up, I’ll be a cool kid, too.

When I catch up, I’ll be a cool kid too!

*variant on a traditional name for the Sidhe or the Fae, who are said by some to be immortal, or at least unchanging.  See also: the Good Neighbors