New Song: For Pinocchio

For Pinocchio

Trap it like a spider with a gossamer thread
the beautiful lie that you hold in your head
lock it away with what’s best left unsaid

Anyone who loves you deserves what is true
Draw the message you bring from the essence of you
stay off the roller coaster and the loop-dee-loo

See, one little lie loves company. They take over before you know
And it’ll be plain as the nose on your face, my love
I don’t wanna say I told you so, oh
You’re good enough, honey, just the way that you are
remember that whenever you wish upon a star
keep the truth in your words, compassion in your heart

Bind ’em all together with gossamer threads
the beautiful lies that you hold in your head
lock ’em away with all that’s best unsaid
and you’ll be a real boy someday

One little lie loves company, and they’ll take over before you know.
It’ll be plain as the nose on your face, my love
Oh, don’t make me say I told you so, no, no!

So don’t turn loose of that gossamer thread
keep that beautiful lie snuggled up inside your head
take a minute to swallow what’s best left unsaid
and you’ll be a real boy someday. 🙂


This song was from the first week of my weekly songwriting challenge.  The prompt was “beautiful lie”.  I had this whole big idea about a song for faeries who, not being capable of lying according to folklore, think of human lies as works of art.  Then the kid with the nose showed up instead, and that was fine.