New Song: Looks Like Rain

I don’t wanna say it, but it looks like rain
Maybe it’ll tend to what we haven’t yet saved
Hand in hand across the muddy plain
You and I shall go, you and I shall go

Treacherous the path
Warm your hand in mine
It’s dangerous to go alone, they say
As we are, we ought to be fine
It’s ages since our first adventures
Our early cloudy skies look less stormy now
The rain has always come when you’ve kissed me
Love is always about how the bottom falls out

So perhaps I shouldn’t worry when it looks like rain
Maybe it’ll nourish what we haven’t yet saved
Hand in hand across the muddy plain
You and I shall go, you and I shall go

The weather hasn’t stopped us yet
coast to coast rambling, as good as it gets
Icicle kingdoms and canyon walls
grottoes and rainy day waterfalls
Treacherous the path
warm your hand in mine
It’s dangerous to go alone, they say
Our way, we ought to be fine

Just put your arms around me when it looks like rain
Come shower or shine, I’ll be perfectly safe
Hand in hand into the tidal wave
you and I shall go, you and I shall go

This was inspired by the lyric prompt, “looks like rain” from my weekly songwriting group.  The rain, the mud, the coral, the waterfalls, the canyon walls, the grottoes, and the icicles are all real.  The tidal wave is gooey relationship metaphor. 😀

Part of this song came out of walking all the way around a lake shore earlier this week, rescuing displaced freshwater mussels after a break in the levee.  It was more of an adventure than you might think- Arkansas mud is no joke.

I’m usually so busy writing about fantastical things that I forget about love songs.  This was a joy to work on.  I’ll definitely include this on an album in the future.