New Vid: Cheshire Kitten Unplugged!

I posted a new YouTube video last night as my entry for NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert Contest.  🙂  It’s been a year since I last entered any sort of competition.  So many of my friends have entered this one as well that it’s impossible for me not to be excited, regardless of the outcome!  I only heard about it a couple of days ago – just in time to beat the submissions deadline (tonight at 11:59 pm).

Thanks to the help of a good friend who provided me with some relaxed jam time over the weekend, I felt really good about throwing my hat in the ring at the last minute.  Fans and friends on Facebook and Twitter were kind enough to help me choose which song to film.  Here’s how it turned out, with Ryan’s parents dropping in to be my super-intimate (and very timely) audience.

Another friend saw this link tonight and called the video a “pocket concert”!  That sounds so cute that I want to make it a thing, if it isn’t already.  🙂  I’m considering posting quick unplugged vids of several songs now, in addition to the concert playlist I have in mind (and have already filmed portions of) for Stolen Season.  After all, several people voted for “Black Swan Blues“, “Ask Me Anything“, and “Little Bird” yesterday.