Hello, bright stars! This is a post to invite you to my online show coming up this Saturday at 5pm Central (6pm Eastern/4pm Mtn/3pm Pacific)! It’ll be a Beltane concert in support of Circle Sanctuary, and I think (I hope, I pray) I’ll be able to go fully live this time, and not prerecorded! To that end, I’ve invited a special, fully vaccinated, dear friend to be my special guest and hostess for the show- if you haven’t seen Renée Janski perform, and if you’ve never seen us perform together, you’re in for a serious treat. So, lots of firsts for this concert: my first show with another human in over a year, the first show in over a year that I will have been able to stream live thanks to a new camera and a new ISP, and my first show of any kind since March. I’ll make it special for y’all, and I know you’ll be there if you can! Tickets start at $5, and all your purchases related to the show will benefit not just me, but also Circle Sanctuary, and our sweet indie streaming platform, Online Concert Thing.
Here’s the link to get a ticket, watch the show, and see some of the concert merch I’ve got lined up for you: https://onlineconcertthing.com/product/s-j-tucker-2021-05-01-0500-pm-cdt/
More about Renée Janski: https://reneejanski.com/
How to get your ticket at Online Concert Thing if you’ve never watched a show there before: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqv4W8u2Ndw&t=9s
More about Circle Sanctuary (make your own donation here if you like): https://www.circlesanctuary.org/
I know that the start time of this concert isn’t the most ideal for those of you who’d be tuning in from Europe, Asia, or Australia. I’ll take that into account for the online shows I schedule this summer and try to choose times friendlier to you.
The setlist I have in mind is full of familiar festival favorites, but I’m also thinking of bringing out the Hare Moon song I wrote last year while sheltering in place- happy full Hare Moon tonight, everyone! Plus, I attended virtual Waking Persephone last weekend, which was BRILLIANT, so I won’t be able to resist sharing some music and words with you that bring me back to that fantastic experience.

^feel free to share this image around. It’s sized for Instagram, but it should translate well elsewhere, too.
The new camera I’m learning how to stream with was entirely fan-funded, and I’m so grateful to y’all for your support, whether it came in the form of Spotify streams & things like that (I do get paid, don’t worry!), purchases on Bandcamp (Bandcamp Friday’s coming up again next week, on May 7! Shop my store here), a pledge on my Patreon or a website subscription, a ticket to one of my online shows, or simply in reading this post. You make a difference in my life, and I hope you’re safe and well, and that you and your loved ones have everything you need right now.
One last bit of news I want to share with you: I have received both doses of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine for COVID-19, and so far so good. I’m not ready to travel or do live concerts for a crowd of any size again quite yet, mainly because I know that not everyone has had access to the vaccine (the last thing I want to be is a reason people gather and then end up getting sick), but also because of all the other unknowns related to the virus, not to mention that I think waiting a little while longer would give us- fans, event organizers, performers, and our whole community, some time to have important conversations about what we want to bring back from how things have worked in the past, and what we want to change or improve upon. I want the events I perform for to keep in mind how best to be more inclusive than they once were, of folx who can only be there online because they’re unable to travel or to be among crowds, of BIPOC attendees and presenters, of LGBTQIA+ attendees and presenters, of folx with varying degrees of mobility… I want to hear from all of you on this, too, please, when you have the energy to talk about it with me. I feel that performers like me owe it to ourselves and our fans to stay vocal about how to adjust, adapt, and change things for the better. Please write me any time: sjtuckermusic@gmail.com