Online show TONIGHT with the Doubleclicks!

Hi again, everybody!  It feels like it’s been a while.  I hope your Autumn is starting off smoothly, Mercury retrograde and all.

I had to to let you know that The Doubleclicks invited me to be a special guest in their online concert tonight!  We’ll be streaming live starting at 6pm Pacific – 7pm Mountain – 8pm Central – 9pm Eastern.  I’ve been hoping for years to cross paths with this amazing duo, and we finally met face to face last month at Myths & Legends Con in Denver.  If you love genuine, lovingly nerdy music set to innovative cello, guitar, uke, and yes, cat piano, do check them out, either tonight or as soon as possible!  They’re the bees’ knees, and I’m very happy to know them both at last.

Tune in to the live concert here.

RSVP on Facebook if you like.