It’s been a beautiful week here in the enchanted forest, and I’m excited to share a bunch of stuff with y’all today about my online show this Sunday, November 21st at 2pm CST.
Firstly, your ticket of $5 or more helps me help my hometown food bank, the Dumas Food Pantry, where my mother volunteers every single week. Thanks for that! Secondly, now that we’ve sold over 50 tickets in advance, (56 as of this writing!) I’m adding door prizes! Everyone with a ticket is eligible to win. The admins and I will draw winners at random during the concert.
I’ve unlocked a gorgeous tiger’s eye pendulum from my personal collection as our first door prize. You won’t believe the flash on this thing. At 60 & at 75 tickets sold, I’ll unlock a 1oz jar of loose incense donated by Phae’s Fantasy in OR (and I’ll contact the winners to check on your allergies & sensitivities just to be safe). At 100 tickets, I’ll unlock a stunning sterling silver dragon goddess pendant donated by Celtic Knot Works/Deva Designs in AZ!

This next part we only just announced on Tuesday. Want a NEW, EXCLUSIVE SONG download from Heather Dale & me, featuring both of us + Ben Deschamps? Everyone who get tickets for my Sunday show AND Heather’s Friday show will get a new, unreleased mp3 from us! We’ve been recording together remotely, sending files and sound recordings back and forth. Super fun! Go here & add both shows to your cart so we can send you what we made:

I’ve been filming outdoors this week for the Sunday concert, as the weather allows, and I’ve got some costume surprises I’ve been saving for you.
I threatened to sing at least one song while wearing my new mermaid tail once we reached 50 tickets.
Now we have, so it’s on!
Wish me luck flipping my fin around for the first time!
One more thing to get excited about. I hope you’ll all pre-order and back Satyr Phil Brucato’s new novel, Red Shoes. It’s become a project dear to my heart. The POV character is a young dancer with as much sense as attitude, for the most part, and her story is one packed with magic and intensity, no less badass for staying vulnerable and, ultimately, human. I’ll be sharing a brief reading from one of my very favorite parts during my concert, with the author’s permission. Phil has been my friend since my first year on the road, so I admit my bias. But I’m telling you, this story and its treatment of music, magic, grief, and personal growth has a lot to offer. I truly believe it would’ve resonated with me whether or not Phil and I had ever met.
If the campaign succeeds past its loftiest stretch goal, I get to write a tie in album about it, featuring my usual acoustic sass, PLUS more songs like my latest gothy single, “Alchemist Eyes”. Phil is a prince, believing I should get paid for creating such a beast, bless him. If all of that sounds good to y’all, please pre-order your print, audio, or digital copy of the book, and get other perks if you like, to help it succeed.
Next month, remember that I’ll give a Midwinter Music online show on December 20th at 9pm Central. Video will be available for purchase afterwards for those who can’t make it or will be fast asleep at that time, time zones being the tricky things they are. Also, everyone who pledges to my Patreon, regardless of amount, gets access to all of my online show video recordings. Join us over there if you wish.