Pirate Girl!

This November, something extraordinary is going down in Logan, Ohio.

My friend Shelly Riggs has written a play called PIRATE GIRL for her high school theatre students.  The script is based upon my Wendy Trilogy songs.  My little pirate heart is fluttering right now.  Rehearsals start Monday.  I’m going to try to be there for the performances!

Being on stage during my high school years was one of the biggest things that got me through to adulthood unscathed.  That high school actress is still inside me, going strong.  In fact, she’s jumping up and down over this.

If I can indeed make the trip to Ohio to see the show, you can bet your scurvy butt I’ll be in full pirate garb for every single performance.  Care to join me?

DONATE to help Shelly and her bonny crew get PIRATE GIRL off the ground, with real flying harnesses and instruction, stage combat choreo, and more!