Port Townsend This Wednesday + Autumn Pixie Flights

Betsy and I have one more show together in Washington state for 2015.  Come and join us at our Port Townsend house concert this Wednesday!  Get tickets here!

Sept2PosterThis summer has been an unprecedented season for Tricky Pixie concerts.  It may be the first time ever that we’ve been able to do more than just a couple of shows at a stretch before our schedules require us to part ways.  I’m so grateful to my band mates for this time and this magic, and also to all of our fans, friends, colleagues, and crew!  As Alec says, “the best magic takes the best of friends.”

Alec flies away home today.  We’ll miss him terribly, but we’ll reunite with him in Dallas-Fort Worth at the end of September for our appearance as Guests of Honor at FenCon!  After that, we’ll drive north for our first-ever band performance in Cape Girardeau, MO, en route to our other Guest of Honor appearance at Archon near St. Louis!  We’ll round out our touring year in mid-October with a concert at the fest of my heart, Summerland Grove’s Festival of Souls near Memphis— the festival that’s helped spark all sorts of songs of mine, including “Come to the Labyrinth“.

#bandselfie #bandseyeview #TrickyPixie #sultrysummertour about to rock. 😀

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