Radio Goodness

Betsy and I had a fantastic time with DJ Tim on Front Range Radio last night in Colorado Springs.  It was an evening of firsts for us all:  Tim had never hosted a cellist on the air before, and Betsy and I had not yet had the chance to play together during a live radio interview!  You can listen to the whole thing here.

Today I get to be part of another fabulous radio show: The Backstage Gourmet with PJ Grimes! Listen live here. We’ll talk food and music at 1pm Pacific.  This is the first time I’ve ever needed to come up with recipes in advance of an interview!  I hope you’ll listen, and I hope you’ll enjoy what you hear!  I’m so grateful to PJ and to CyberPR for setting this radio appearance up for me.  Healthy food and music keep us all going!

UPDATE:  PJ and are going to reschedule because she had something come up.  I’ll make sure everyone knows about the new show date as soon as it’s decided!

Fans of “Beetz in my Salad” will probably REALLY enjoy the interview. 🙂