So Much Nerdy Awesome In A Single Post…

My friend Rob Carlos, illustrator and magic-maker, has super powers.  He sees dragons, and knows how to draw them.  He has a knack for showing the people he knows how cool they actually are, in his eyes.  Basically, he can do anything he sets his mind to with the power of paper and paint, pen and pencil.  Yesterday he turned my sweetheart and me into X-Men, just because he could.  I would never have seen this coming, but wow, am I impressed and tickled and giddy and grateful!

…I also want to know how he figured out that these two are my favorites among all the X-Men ever, without our ever having discussed this particular fandom.  🙂  Sorcery, I tell you.

Check out his work here.  He’s fabulous.

Ryan as Gambit, S. J. as Rogue by Rob Carlos

Ryan as Gambit, S. J. as Rogue by Rob Carlos