Stolen Season CD Update, Tour Schedule Update

Happy Equinox, everyone!  I’ve got so much to tell, and all of it’s good! :)


1.  Wednesday afternoon Ryan and I drove to Memphis to pick up the Stolen Season CD’s at Audiographic Masterworks!  They’re gorgeous!  They have that new album smell!  I’m starting the process of packing and shipping pre-orders and contributor copies now!  Those of you who placed a pre-order for the physical CD should receive a package from me (shipped personally) between next Tuesday and April Fool’s Day.  The post office ladies are gonna LOVE me in a day or two, lemme tell ya.  If you have not yet had a chance to check out the album, you may listen to it and order a CD or a digital copy right here.

2. I’m working with CyberPR to run a publicity campaign for the album release!  Wednesday morning I got to have a lovely chat with my campaign manager, Brooke Segarra.  Brooke and I discussed the validity of having a scheduled “release date”, and we came to the conclusion that I should just go ahead and launch the album and the publicity campaign at the same time- I’ve been spreading the word faithfully, and so have all of you, so there’s no reason to keep the album under wraps, now that the CD is actually printed and ready to go.  “Have you been talking and blogging about the album a lot already?” Brooke asked me.  OH YES, I responded, laughing.  It’s a testament to the patience and enthusiasm of my crowd that you all haven’t gotten tired of me talking about it!

So instead of making myself and everyone else wait another couple of weeks, Brooke gave me her blessing to go ahead and launch the album NEXT WEEK!  CUE THE CONFETTI CANNONS!!!

3. Another lovely new review popped up for Stolen Season this week, courtesy of  Sabrina Leah over at the Auditory Addictions blog!  Thank you, Sabrina! <3  If you have a blog or podcast or radio show of your own, and you’d like to feature or review Stolen Season to help celebrate its release, please do not hesitate to contact me and let me know!  I would be thrilled, truly. :)  I check for messages daily at this address:  sjtuckermusic -at- gmail -dot- com

4. Naturally, I’m not going to stop promoting the album personally, once I make the big release announcement on Monday. :)  I’ve got some nifty things planned for YouTube, if nothing else, including live cuts of every song on the album (a release concert of sorts), AND an official music video for “Little Bird” that’s gonna be so cute I can hardly stand it!  Subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want to make certain not to miss those videos when I post them.  I’m hoping to put up all of the live cuts of the songs, which I performed and sang in my studio at home, early next week.  The video will come a little later, hopefully by early April.

5.  THIS WEEKEND I’m performing at Oak Spirit Sanctuary‘s Ostara festival in Boonville, Missouri.  If you’re celebrating the Equinox and getting down with all the good eclipse energy that’s coming through, I wish you joy!  I will be vending at the festival with my friends at Spiralfae Creations, so if you’re on site, come and find us at their booth.

7.  NEXT SATURDAY I’m performing my rescheduled concert in Lawton, Oklahoma, at a new location: the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lawton.  I’m very much looking forward to this!  Plenty of room for all, so grab your tickets now.

Read on for the rest of the tour stuff I have for April. 🙂

8. APRIL 10th WEEKEND I’m headlining at the Amazon Music Festival in beautiful Fayetteville, Arkansas, as one third of the Traveling Fates, my trio project with Bekah Kelso and Ginger Doss!  We haven’t had a Traveling Fates show since 2011, so this is gonna be super sweet for all of us.  ALSO, for the first time, all three bandmembers will have a new album each!  History is being made, people!  The entire festival lineup and schedule is just killer, so check it out and join us if you can!

9. APRIL 18th WEEKEND I’ll be attending the Daughters of the Moon women’s retreat in Memphis.  This year’s theme is “manifesting harmony”.  If that sounds like something you need more of, ladies, check it out at the link above. 🙂

10. APRIL 24 I’ll be back in Fayetteville to share a house concert with the unstoppable Summer Osborne, whose new album Spiritual Revolution just wrapped a successful fundraising campaign – you may remember my blog post about that, several weeks ago.  I love Summer, I love what she does, and I am stoked to get to play with her as part of the brand new Seven Sisters Concert Series!  We’ll also have Summer’s tour mate Sarah McCracken on the bill, whom I’m excited to meet.  To join us, RSVP to renee -at- bigbadgina -dot- com to reserve your seat.  Entrance will be $10-$20 sliding scale.  Doors will open at 7, show will begin at 730.

11. APRIL 30 – MAY 4 I’ll be performing at the May Moon Magick festival in Cosby, Tennessee.  The Cerren Ered campsite is gorgeous, and the festival community out there is a delightful group.  I’ve not yet been there for the springtime event, so this will be a treat for me.

That’s the news for now!  Thank you all for being part of this adventure.  I’m so excited for the new album, and I’m so glad to share the mastered CD’s and digital tracks with you all.  Please do help me boost the signal when I announce the CD release on Monday by sharing on your blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Dreamwidth, LJ, WordPress, and anywhere else you love to hang out online.  Please come out to the shows this spring if you can.  It’s gonna be a beautiful season, and a beautiful CD release!