Stolen Season greeting cards up now!

One of my pirate sisters suggested the other day, after seeing the images in this blog post, that I offer greeting cards for solstice of the images. 🙂  Kirk Lanier, my gracious photographer, told me that sounded great, gave his permission, and told me to sell a million.  Yesterday I went through the fairly friendly process of setting up a Zazzle store, and now I’ve got one greeting card and one notecard design posted!

This is the photo available on either a greeting card or a notecard right now.  Sorry we didn’t think of this in time for you to have them for the Solstice!  Next year.  ((nod-nod))


The store is currently very bare bones, but this is an experiment.  If Zazzle and I continue to get along, I will consider posting more designs and photos.  Maybe I can get my act together and actually share my years-long backlog of random photography with you all!

Check out my Zazzle store

I get about $1 for every card.  That’s not nearly as big a return as I get on CD sales or downloads, but I’m still looking forward to designing cards and stuff to share.

Other mundania:  The best friends are the ones who stop by with adorable toddler in tow to bring you homemade chicken soup when you’ve been sick.  Thank you, Melissa and Cora!!

New!kitty Gawain is still doing fine and has integrated himself into the household with hardly a bump.  Even Pooshka is mellowing about the situation- sources say the two boys were seen on the same couch together at one point.  Gawain’s main activities continue to be napping, purring, snuggling, and now playing!
