The Days Ahead – Concerts and News

I’ve got some lovely things planned for the coming weeks in the Seattle area, Little Rock, and Oklahoma. 🙂

Jan 30-Feb 1: I’ll be attending Conflikt 2015 in the Seattle area with my Tricky Pixie bandmates!  Alec is toastmaster, I’m teaching a workshop AND leading a cool/spooky song circle, and we’re all jamming with our friends, on stage and off!

Feb 6: Betsy‘s new band, In Like A Lion, will play their monthly first Friday concert at Soulfood Cafe in Redmond, WA – one of my favorite bands on one of my favorite stages.  Odds are reasonable that I will be invited up on stage at some point.  😀  This show will stream live online!

Feb 7: Tricky Pixie has our first big concert of 2015 in Kenmore, WA!  Get tickets and info here!

Feb 13: Betsy and I will share the stage with the delicious Wendy Rule at Soulfood Cafe.  For Friday the 13th.  Cuz that’s how witches do.  😀  This one will stream live online! More info here.

Feb 21:  Home again, to play for my friend Kelley’s art opening at Gallery 360 in Little Rock!  I decided to give Kelley a present for my birthday, because she’s lovely and brilliant and should have improvised jazzy guitar stuff to pair with her art.

Feb 27 and Feb 28:  I have two little shows in Lawton, Oklahoma – my first time performing there!  Hostess Mary at the Curious Goods emporium has been a delight to work with, and Pagan Radio DJ Pam McAfee is our sponsor! NOTE:  Feb 28 is sold out, but Feb 27 still has a few tickets left.  Grab them before they get away!


Today I’m home, catching up with Heather Dale and Ben Deschamps as we roll up our sleeves to start a writing retreat together!  Some of you will recall Heather and Ben’s delightfully successful IndieGoGo campaign last year which raised funds for the production of an original touring show, a folk opera of sorts based on Arthurian legend. That’s what we’re set to work on writing together this week.  We are quite literally by the lakeshore here, so if the Lady of the Lake shows up to participate, we’ll have lots of stories to tell.  Wish us luck!