The Jewels of our Stories

First things first:  Betsy’s CD release concert on Saturday night was OFF THE HOOK.  It was so good to see her get to be the star she richly deserves to be, for a COMPLETELY packed house!  Thank you all for coming out!  Thanks to Betsy for bringing us all together!  I was thrilled to get to make music with Vixy & Tony, Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff, Sunnie, Marcos, Alec, and of course Betsy.  Just wow.

The Belle of the Ball, the Queen of the Flapper Faeries

The Belle of the Ball, the Queen of the Flapper Faeries

We love our Betsy.  Download her album here.  Physical CD orders available soon!

And now, something else I need to share and celebrate today.  It’s January 13, 2014.

Five years ago today, I earned my one and only significant physical scar.  And you can barely see it now.
Five years ago today, my uncle the Rev. Hardy Peacock had reassured me that Friday the 13th was typically a lucky time for my family.
Five years ago this morning, I was in surgery in a hospital for the first time in my life. My mother & the rest of my family kept vigil, along with my heart-sisters Ginger Doss and Bekah Kelso, and my champion Mr. Kevin K Wiley. Far away to the west, editor masterminds Sandra Buskirk and Satyros Phil Brucato were ramping up the magic engine, calling all creatives to help get me back on my feet after the hospital bills rolled in. The SaveOurSooj project & resulting benefit auctions were all in full swing. All I had to do was get better.
Less than three weeks later, I was back on stage. I had vowed to Betsy and Alec that I was NOT gonna miss our scheduled Tricky Pixie performance at the Faerieworlds Winter Masquerade in Oregon- I would play that gig in a decorated, sparkly wheelchair if I had to.  But I didn’t have to.  🙂
By spring, all my medical expenses were taken care of. Saveoursooj and the Ravens in the Library anthology had fulfilled their purpose, thanks to all the contributors, great and small. My community, my vibrant, varied, particolored community rose up and rescued me.
I took the title for this post from one of my favorite Jesca Hoop songs:  “Enemy”.  The lyric that inspired me goes like this:
My battle wounds
laid to rest in a treasure box
and thinking of the scars
as the jewels of my story
Weeks go by without my sparing a thought for that scar. 🙂
Thank you all.
Thank you All. <3