TinyDesk contest update and other awesomeness

It’s been a pretty wild week, but maybe that’s appropriate for the days leading up to my birthday. 🙂 I’ve got lots to share with you; I’ll start with these little bits of news.

  1. I got an EMAIL from NPR a couple of days ago, and I’m STILL grinning about it!  No big deal yet, but they’ve approved my submission for the TinyDesk Contest, and they’ve posted my entry video!  Whatever else happens, my smiling face is embedded for a little while on a web page that has the NPR Music logo on it, and I’m tickled pink.  Click that link to see my video and hear my new little song, “Dragon in my Pocket”.  Don’t stop there, either! This contest is HUGE, and NPR is posting all of the qualifying entry videos!  Gobs and gobs of amazing songwriters and performers are coming together for this!  Check ’em out!
  2. I’m performing at the SWUU conference in Lawton, Oklahoma next weekend, and the organizers just decided to open up my Friday night concert to women (that means anyone who identifies as a woman) who may not be attending the full conference!  If this describes you, and you want to be there, I hope that you can come! Here’s the tickets page.
  3. In my time off the road, I love to stay active with my flow arts and fire spinning practice, yoga, and fusion belly dance. One of my favorite dancers and dance teachers made an absolutely beautiful and encouraging blog post this week, and I just have to share it here. “I care that you come to the dance sincerely, foster it as best as you can, and support others,” says the lovely Tempest. “I dance because I’m interested and invested in the beautiful unknown that happens in the space between my own dance connection and yours – and the world of discovery within and beyond that space, manifested through culture, music, spirit, and understanding.”  This is the kind of thing that brings me back to my practice on days when I’m fighting the blues just to get out of bed, let alone really move.  Read the rest of Tempest’s blog post here.