Tour Update 2, With Love From Toronto

Ryan and I are now entering week three of my spring tour, and all is well!  We’re in Toronto for a few days, preparing for our mini-tour with the Heather Dale Band over Beltane.  🙂

Heather, Ben, John, Sooj

We crossed the border into Canada last Thursday afternoon with all proper documents and passports, and everything was fine.  Our immigrations officer was a music fan, and she was very, very kind.  The uniformed gents in the parking area teased us about being from Arkansas: “where’s your gun?!?”  Heh.  The only correct and true answer:  not in this car, sir!

Speaking of Arkansas, if you’re unaware, a massive tornado swept through the west-central part of the state last weekend.  It was close to my homestead, but not as close as it could have been.  Many people lost everything- homes, pets, cars, literally everything.  Relief efforts are ongoing and local donations of clothing, water, and other essentials are being actively collected by state congressmen as well as regular folks.  I’m blogging this stuff because I’m too far from home to be able to help in person.  With the size of the twister, I’m pretty sure there will still be cleaning up to do and help to be given once I do get home.

On to happier thoughts.  I had a sweet time at FKO over the weekend, singing and sharing with the FilkOntario community.  Thanks to all the organizers and attendees for making me feel welcome, and for helping me make so many new friends.

The Shows That Remain:

May 2: Ottawa, ON

May 3: Dorval, QC

May 4: Hamilton, ON

May 6: Toronto, ON

The above shows I get to share with Heather, Ben and John.  After May 6, I head back to the States.

May 7: Youngstown, OH

May 8: Logan, OH

May 9: Fertile Ground Gathering, Triangle, VA

May 10: Fredericksburg, VA

May 11: Greenbelt, MD (Happy Mother’s Day! Bring your Mum!)

May 17: Asheville, NC (I just completed a remix recording for this concert!  It’s gonna be epic.)