Traveling Songs & Green Album Love!

I want to thank everyone for your support of my Traveling Songs download and fundraiser!  That project is still available for download now, so if you’ve had to wait for budget reasons, don’t fret!  I will leave the downloads available as long as there’s a chance someone hasn’t had the chance to go and grab it yet.  

If you’re not yet aware of Traveling Songs, it goes like this.
I wrote 52 new songs between Feb 2015 and Feb 2016.  
I had to submit rough recordings of every single one to my songwriter group, one for each week.  
I went ahead and released all 52 of those rough recordings as a way to get them out to everybody much faster than I would have been able to if I took them all into the studio and brushed them up for an album release.
The nifty side effect of that is that, in purchasing the download (11, 22, or all 52 songs, your choice), you’ve all helped me raise about 15 monthly car payments so far for my new touring vehicle!!  And it’s been worth it.  We’ve already put 12,000 miles on Shadowfax since June!

Get Traveling Songs here!

I also want to thank all fans of #thegreenalbum for something pretty huge.  
Thanks to your enthusiastic support of this project, I was able to send in a $645 donation to the Rainforest Trust yesterday!  We helped them secure 877 acres of nature preserve in the Congo!  And that’s just from the copies of the CD that I have personally sold!  All 14 artists on the CD are sending in their donations as well!  We’re saving some pretty serious chunks of rainforest, here, one song at a time!  Good work, everyone!