Online Show Tonight, April Shows & News

Happy April, everyone!  My BIG news today is that I have an online concert to invite you to!  It’s happening this very night!  For now, I don’t get to do these that often, just because of how my schedule is set up and how


my connectivity options are at home.  So we’re gonna make this SPECIAL.  You don’t only get to hear and see ME share new songs and old favorites live and online, though.  You ALSO get to hear my song-sister Bekah Kelso share her sweet Bohemian grooves!  Bekah is hosting the concert at her home in San Antonio, but you can watch and listen to us no matter where you are!  Want a piece of this?  Here’s our concert link.  We hope you can join us!  We’ll kick off the tunes at 7pm central time (5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 8pm Eastern).  Don’t be shy about hopping on in the chat room while we’re playing- we’ll be watching for your words!  If you’d like, you can also go join the conversation anytime on the Facebook event.

UPDATE:  here’s a quick video of us getting ready for the broadcast tonight!

Next weekend, I’ll be attending the Daughters of the Moon women’s retreat near Memphis, TN.  Let me know if you’re also going!

The jewel in the crown of my travels this month is actually pretty close to home for me- the Amazon Women’s Music Festival in Fayetteville, AR starts on Friday, April 22nd!  The lineup is all women musicians, but the festival is open to all!  I hope you can be there with us, as this is an event that gets better every single year- and I’ve been lucky enough to be part of it since the first!

Fayetteville, AR: Sooj Performs at Amazon Music Festival 2016
The Event Place
6279 West Wedington Drive
Fayetteville, AR 72704
Get Tickets Here!

Other nifty new stuff includes:

–an interview by my scholarly friend P. Sufenas Virius Lupus, which is now up on the Aedicula Antinoi blog!  P. asked me about everything from my Stolen Season album to my favorite Southern folktales, and it’s a good long interview which I really enjoyed doing.  Check out an excerpt here on my blog, and read the whole shebang here.

–Heather Dale’s Queens of Avalon project is about to be released!  Check out the DVD trailers here, and sign up to get the latest news about the DVD release, and when we’ll be taking our Gwen-and-Gana show on the road!  I don’t miss the blonde wigs for the filming of the show, but I’ll wear them again for YOU!

Thanks for reading!