First, the happy thing: I have a new interview posted online! Heather Marseillan of the Tacoma Examiner asked me a few really great questions about Wonders, and the article/interview is up now. Read it here. I hope you like what I had to say. 🙂
Secondly, less happily: this is about that tar sands spill that I mentioned in yesterday’s post. The party line is that it’s safe to live in the area less than an hour from my own home and water supply that was ruined by a tar sands spill last March. Just try driving through the town of Mayflower and not being bowled over by the fumes. The people who can afford to leave have done so, even though many of them would have preferred to stay. The people who can’t? Families and their small children with less disposable income. And they’re all sick. Safe to live in, my ass. Read more.
My Arkansas is a beautiful place, and just like everywhere else on earth that’s been destroyed in one or more ways by this kind of mess, it deserves better.