
Upcoming Shows in StL!

A sweet Memorial Day to each and every one of you today.  🙂

I get to spend a little bit of time in St. Louis, one of my heart’s homes, in a few days!

I’ll be performing with Tuatha Dea and other awesome peeps on Friday, June 5th at The Focal Point, and again on Saturday, June 6th at St. Louis Pagan Picnic, which is a free two-day event in Tower Grove Park!  You may recognize the park from a certain recent music video. 🙂


Come and join us at the shows if you can!  Everyone is welcome at both of these events.

4-star Stolen Season Review on!

Dan Macintosh has some truly glowing praise for Stolen Season.  I am humbled and stoked to share his review with you!

Stolen Season is a strong, widely varying collection of songs.  Tucker is both a strong singer and a smart songwriter, which is an unbeatable artistic combination.  This is an album for anyone that appreciates stellar songwriting.

read the rest at

Thank you so much, Dan!

I’m enchanted! 😀

Sooj by Wild Hunt Photography

*happy sigh!*


New song this week: Dragon in my Pocket

I’m still participating in my song-a-week commitment.  I decided to turn up the cute for this one.  I know I’m not the only kid who can relate to wishing we could have dragons around!

DRAGON IN MY POCKET c. S. J. Tucker, 2015

Some days I want a dragon of my own.
It’s a thought that makes me smile when I’m alone.
She’d have blazing breath and burning eyes
and always be able to change her size,
so nomatter where I went, she would be there,
hidden in my backpack or my hair.
And she’d frighten all the bullies
into nice kids
with a single giant swoop into the air!
But I don’t have a fifty-foot best friend
with a roar that tells my enemies to scram.
No, I don’t have a dragon in my pocket,
So I guess I’ll have to handle it as I am.
She’d be the kind of dragon you could trust.
We’d never ever have to take the bus.
She’d be brave and compassionate and just a little sly.
“A dragon ate my homework” would no longer be a lie!
Oh, and Mom and Dad would both have dragons, too.
We would never really need to see the zoo.
And our family reunions would always be the best
cuz the dragons would invite their family too!
But I don’t have a fifty-foot best friend
with a roar that tells my enemies to scram.
No, I don’t have a dragon in my pocket,
So I guess I’ll have to handle it as I am.
It’d be great to have a buddy several
times as big as me, but now
I’m thinking that a dragon is a
better thing to be
than lonely on the playground
every single day.
How could I be frightened of
the space beneath my bed
if a pile of gold and treasure
is the place I lay my head?
And how could I be lonely when I’m
even if the sky turns gray?
I’d love to be the talk of the town
for burning my bully’s house down,
with blazing breath and burning eyes
a fair trade for the element of surprise.
And I’d love to be incredibly big and strong
but known far and wide for being kind,
so that even if my teeth were sharp and scary,
you’d feel perfectly at ease to tell me
what was on your mind.
But I don’t have a fifty-foot wingspan
or a roar that tells my enemies to scram.
And I don’t have a dragon in my pocket,
So I’m gonna have to handle it as I am.
Someday I’ll have a dragon in my pocket
but for now, I have to handle it as I am.

Shadow Grove Market and Gratitude Returned!

I have to share The Shadow Grove Market‘s post from yesterday, which is in response to my support and encouragement.  Because this is absolutely delightful, useful, and true.  Hope it encourages you!



This was a thought on my mind today as an outpouring of support for this page has happened. Thanks to SJ Tucker this…

Posted by The Shadow Grove Market on Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Best of Cellists

I’m on tour at the Heartland Pagan Festival this week with one of my best friends on earth:  Betsy Tinney, cellist and composer!  We’ve known each other for over a decade now, and I’m so grateful for all of the music and experiences we’ve shared.  One of my favorite things about being friends with someone like Betsy is that we both get to watch each other grow.  She’s just started to offer new and original cello music via Patreon!  Check it out, and watch her video above.  I speak from personal experience when I tell you that Betsy is worth your time, attention, and support. 🙂

Introducing the Shadow Grove Market

I love talking about it when my friends start making and sharing beautiful things. 🙂

The lovely Rubiee of Dryad Tea has a new little venture, and it’s extremely shiny.

Check out her page for The Shadow Grove Market, a true treasure trove of pendants, medallions, and Impling Coats!

Here’s the shell, glass, and crystal confection I couldn’t live without:


#pendants #DIY #witchy #staywitchy #pagan shell pendant by @dryadtea <3

A photo posted by S. J. Tucker Music (@sjtuckermusic) on

If Wishes Were Inventions

Then Makers would RULE. 🙂

It’s the 21st century.

We live in the future.

We live in a future that only a few wildly creative souls could ever have imagined.

We have so many modern conveniences that there are modern conveniences for our modern conveniences.  There is, in fact, an app for that.  At least in the first world.

It occurred to me over the weekend, walking side by side with two vivacious, gorgeous female friends of mine, that I could think of at least one thing there’s not yet an app for.

What would you give if you had the chance to see yourself through the eyes of the people who love you deeply?  What would it be like to see yourself the way they see you?  Would you fear it, or would you jump at the chance?  How would it potentially change your life?  In what ways would it potentially allow you to think differently (and more positively) about yourself?  Could it save you?  Would you try it?

Of course, any system can be hacked and have havoc wreaked upon it.  This view-swap would be no exception.  It could be tampered with and used for bullying, for competitive reasons, for putting others down.

Here’s the thing.

We all have the choice to be kind to each other, or to be bitchy.  We all have the choice to be compassionate, or to be completely awful.  We have the choice to be indifferent, or to be passionate and vocal.

In that moment walking with my friends, we were all trading compliments to offset our own personal body image issues.  It wasn’t something we had decided to do.  It came naturally.  “Girl, I look at your hips and I think, ‘I want to be that!'”  It was this exchange that made me voice my wish for that new type of 21st century innovation.  Because the compliments don’t always stick with us.  Why don’t they?  Why do we talk ourselves out of believing in what inherently makes us worthy to be liked and appreciated?

I don’t have the answers.  But I do wish, often, that I could see myself the way that my loved ones see me.  I would use the proof of their vision to win back my confidence, during days when I am self-critical past the point of being constructive.  I do not have that chance, not in the terms of a potential invention/app/whatever.  What I do have is their words, and my trust in what they tell me, and my hard-won capacity to accept compliments.

Living with compassion isn’t always easy, but it’s remarkable how many things can be made easier by it.  It’s hard to remember to be compassionate with yourself, as well as with the people you love.  It’s hard to remember to compliment yourself, as well as the people you love.  It’s hard to accept compliments.  But we have the ability to practice.

So let’s practice.  And even if that invention does come along, let’s keep practicing.  Let’s be good to ourselves and each other, app or no app.

for Rubiee and Ember <3 <3 <3

Radio Goodness

Betsy and I had a fantastic time with DJ Tim on Front Range Radio last night in Colorado Springs.  It was an evening of firsts for us all:  Tim had never hosted a cellist on the air before, and Betsy and I had not yet had the chance to play together during a live radio interview!  You can listen to the whole thing here.

Today I get to be part of another fabulous radio show: The Backstage Gourmet with PJ Grimes! Listen live here. We’ll talk food and music at 1pm Pacific.  This is the first time I’ve ever needed to come up with recipes in advance of an interview!  I hope you’ll listen, and I hope you’ll enjoy what you hear!  I’m so grateful to PJ and to CyberPR for setting this radio appearance up for me.  Healthy food and music keep us all going!

UPDATE:  PJ and are going to reschedule because she had something come up.  I’ll make sure everyone knows about the new show date as soon as it’s decided!

Fans of “Beetz in my Salad” will probably REALLY enjoy the interview. 🙂

This Evening (Sunday), Live on Front Range Radio!

Just after wrapping up the Beltania festival in Black Forest, Betsy and I will be live on the air with DJ Tim of Front Range Radio in Colorado Springs, tonight at 9pm EST!  Tim has asked us to perform live, as well as hang out and talk about music.  Listen online from wherever you are, or tune in if you’re local to KCMJ 93.9 FM.  I’m betting we’ll perform a few tracks from Stolen Season live on the air.  I’m just grateful that we’ve already been at altitude for a few days!  Singing up here gets a lot easier once you’ve had a little bit of time to acclimate.  I love Colorado deeply though, and I’m thrilled to meet Tim and share some air time out here.  I hope you have a chance to listen in!

Another sweet #StolenSeason review!

Che’s Music Reviews has just published a lovely album review of Stolen Season. 🙂  Thank you, Che!  Check out the full review here.

“Overall, Stolen Season is a body of work that dares to do its own thing and reaches that mark without fail. Plenty of passion means this will be an album worth listening to for years to come.”