
New Vid: Cheshire Kitten Unplugged!

I posted a new YouTube video last night as my entry for NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert Contest.  🙂  It’s been a year since I last entered any sort of competition.  So many of my friends have entered this one as well that it’s impossible for me not to be excited, regardless of the outcome!  I only heard about it a couple of days ago – just in time to beat the submissions deadline (tonight at 11:59 pm).

Thanks to the help of a good friend who provided me with some relaxed jam time over the weekend, I felt really good about throwing my hat in the ring at the last minute.  Fans and friends on Facebook and Twitter were kind enough to help me choose which song to film.  Here’s how it turned out, with Ryan’s parents dropping in to be my super-intimate (and very timely) audience.

Another friend saw this link tonight and called the video a “pocket concert”!  That sounds so cute that I want to make it a thing, if it isn’t already.  🙂  I’m considering posting quick unplugged vids of several songs now, in addition to the concert playlist I have in mind (and have already filmed portions of) for Stolen Season.  After all, several people voted for “Black Swan Blues“, “Ask Me Anything“, and “Little Bird” yesterday.

Brainstorms and Stickers and Records, Oh My

I’ve been thinking of some wild, delicious things where Stolen Season is concerned.

One of those would be something I’d definitely want to deploy a crowdfunding campaign for.

I’ve always daydreamed about having at least one of my albums available as a record, and I think now that I finally have a project worthy of such rare treatment.

Unfortunately, Stolen Season from start to finish is too long an album to fit on a single 12-inch vinyl LP.  So this will take some figuring.

But if I crowdfunded this idea, and it blew up, I would potentially have enough dough to cover remixing, mastering, printing and pressing of the whole thing for vinyl.  All backers would be able to choose that version if they wanted it, as opposed to a shorter, more jazz-focused version.  This is what stretch goals are made of.

For the hypothetical base goal, here’s the longest and jazziest of the playlists I came up with for a 34 RPM record pressing:

Black Swan Blues (with the record scratch effects removed, because overkill)

Sultry Summer Night

Believe In Lullabies

Wild River Child


Little Bird

Believe In Lullabies – After Hours

And here’s the shortest list, for a 45 RPM pressing:

Sultry Summer Night

Believe In Lullabies

Wild River Child


Believe In Lullabies – After Hours

To cover all the basics (remixing, mastering, printing, pressing, shipping, and potential crowdfunding service fees), I’d set the base goal at $5K.  If the campaign didn’t make that goal, I wouldn’t lose anything.  If it did make that goal, I’d of course be thrilled!

The other factor is time.  According to the research I’ve done, vinyl pressing will take AT LEAST 16 weeks.  This is AFTER all of the art and audio is approved.  Mixing and mastering and proofing will all take time on top of that.  So this would be something you’d have to really want to jump on, help fund, AND wait a while for.

If I made the fundraiser goal with time to spare, I could shorten the turnaround time for the whole thing by starting the remixing and mastering process right then.  I wouldn’t have the funds yet, since many fundraiser services hold funds for a few weeks after a campaign ends, but I would at least know for certain they’d be there.

So there’s my more spendy wild idea.  Please tell me what you think.  There are no wrong answers.

The simpler brainstorm had to do with stickers.  Many of you are familiar with my frequent practice of offering stickers with little lyric snippets on them.  I’m working to come up with a good list of Stolen Season lyrics stickers to create.  These are the ones I’ve got so far.  Feel free to suggest more!

Wild River Child

Clever Fairytale Girl

I may fit the story, but I’m up to no good.

Tempest tossed, but not about to break.

Singing up the wind and rain, gonna shake you down with my refrain.

Shake your tail! Spread your wings!


All Aboard!

First:  I’ve finally posted all the lyrics for each song on Stolen Season!  Click on the song titles and you’ll be able to read them.

Next:  A group of excellent people will be running a Pagan Cruise this fall!  The ship departs New Orleans on September 28 and returns October 3rd.  Click here for more information!

The organizers dearly wanted me to be a part of this (for which I love them), but it would have meant canceling Tricky Pixie concerts for me.  And that would have been hard, sad, and messy.

So please give this adventure your support, in hopes that it will continue next year!  Because I’d like to go when my schedule allows!  Bring me that horizon…


Stolen Season Gratitude Rollcall

I’m home from my first 2015 concert down in Atlanta, working from the best possible command center at the moment:  snuggled in blankets with both my Pooshka and little Gawain, all three of us purring.  Consequently, the laptop is not in my lap because there’s no room for it.  It’s full of purrs.

I am so happy right now.

Gawain Sleepy Gawain Pooshka















There’s no better time for me to type up my gratitude for the fellow musicians, artists and superheroes who are helping me realize the Stolen Season album.  Read on for a huge list of awesome.

Read more…

GAFilk appreciation post

Thanks to everyone at GAFilk this past weekend.  I had a really wonderful time.  From listening to Marc Gunn, The Blibbering Humdingers, and Robin W. Bailey for the first time, to swinging it out with Play it with Moxie and C. D. Woodbury once again, every note of music was a joy.  Please do click on everybody’s links above and give them your support and your ears!

Thanks to everyone who came to sing in all the circles (your fortitude, I am in awe) and who listened when it was my turn. 🙂

Thanks also to Mary and Betsy and Ryan for jumping up on stage with me, fearless as ever.  For all who like the new Stolen Season material, thank you for all of your sweet words about the concert!

Being Guest of Honor is like getting a present to me, and this one was pretty damn shiny. Thanks to Rob, the Suttons, and to mama Sharon and the con suite crew, as well as all my other friends and sometime caretakers.  Thank you all!

For those who are wondering, I did manage to get video and audio from Betsy’s and my performance of “Little Bird” sent to my friend’s widow in time for the memorial.  She says it was well received, indeed.  Thank you Zach and Brian for video, and thank you Harold for audio!

As for what happened on Saturday evening, if anyone ever questions me about the validity of my work again, all I have to say is “I’m sorry, have YOU ever raised $1200 at auction with two CDs and a five-minute hoop dance?”  I am still just flabbergasted, in the very best way. 😀

pic by David Weingart

pic by David Weingart

Fun fact: Moxie the cola still exists, and the Moxian bandmates were kind enough to let me try a sip last night.  Here’s how that went.

My tongue: oooh, this is interestiWHYYYYYYYY?!??

Amy McNally: I’m glad I let you try this, so I could see you make that face!

Thank you all again. 🙂  Homeward we go!




Spooky Sunday Earcandy

….that’s got to be a suitable band name for SOMETHING.  Depeche Mode/Cure tribute?

Anyhow, thank you all for putting up with my New!Album!Squee this weekend.  Thank you for all of your downloads and support and kind words.  I’m taking a break from that excitement for a moment to share something else I got to help record recently.  My friend Ben has committed himself to posting one new song a week for download, and this week’s treasure is one I got to take part in.!

It’s creepy, though.

But it’s Edward Gorey creepy, as opposed to Japanese horror film creepy.  So, creepy with spats, I suppose (and because this is Ben, a boss melody).

The song’s called “Little Emma”.  Think “Saint James Infirmary” meets Scandinavian fiddle tune that wants to be fit for New Orleans when it grows up.  Plus a creepy, creepy poem I wrote to be recited over the tune, in place of just coming up with a bass line.  Never underestimate your bandmates’ power to be completely off-the-wall.

Listen here.

BONUS:  I ran across a recording of the great Paul Frees today on Tumblr, thanks to the one and only Mr. Doctorow, and a blog called WhatintheWaltDisneyWorld.  It’s Mr. Frees’ outtakes from voice over sessions for the original Haunted Mansion ride.  Too much fun!  If you grew up watching oldschool cartoons and cartoon feature films, you’ll recognize Mr. Frees’ electrifying tones.  He was certainly one of the voices of my childhood.  This is delightful.

Listen here and shiver. 😀

Album Reviews: Stolen Season

“Stolen Season [has the sort of] masterful arrangement of instruments, amazing storyteller lyrics and the powerful vocals that Sooj’s fans have come to expect, but it has a bit of a darker feel. The haunting lyrics speak of personal empowerment and retaining yourself even in matters of the heart. The slow Southern Blues sound with a hint of Jazz thrown in for flavor makes me think of smoky speakeasies and warm summer nights. Stolen Season remains true to the fairytale nature of Sooj’s lyrical stories while adding a rawness and depth of emotion that, while not absent in previous albums, was not nearly as present there as it is here.”

–Sabrina Leah, Auditory Addiction


“S. J. Tucker mixes Joni Mitchell, M. R. James, Led Zeppelin, Sandy Denny and Grimm’s Fairy tales. Her music is rich in imagery, considering the influences. Each track has its own story and vibe.  This is an album you can get lost in if you put in the time.”

thisyearinmusic, West London

What Ginger Had to Say

Sometimes you get lots of good reviews when you release a new project and watch it fly away.

Sometimes you get very little feedback.  Sometimes you get crummy feedback.

And sometimes, the very golden ticket of sometimeses, the true and soulful mentor of your heart and your craft writes the very first review you see, of this thing that you’ve poured all of your oomph into and are at last holding in your arms.

Here is what my beloved friend and teacher Ginger Doss sent to me after listening to the Stolen Season record for the first time.  I share it with you, not just because her high regard is something I treasure, but because her description is so visual and so rich that I must offer you a bite.

“I am supposed to be listening to your latest release with a critical ear, but I can’t.  The music and your voice rule my experience.  And that is my highest compliment.  Both in arrangement and mixing …I hear nothing I would change, nothing that could be better. I am just taken away by the music.

“This is the experience of listening to Stolen Season…

“You’ve just had the most awesome heart pounding, heart opening sex with someone you love more than life. You drift into sleep tangled in each other as a cool touch of air caresses the thin sweet sweat on your skin… and you dream… and in your dream you walk out onto a faded Southern porch with a big white rocking chair.  Pulsing through the landscape in front of you is a thick brown river heavy with rain from a recent storm. Moss hangs from ancient spreading oaks and honeysuckle scents the air.  You know someone special is there… and if you wait she will appear. You slide into the rocker and sip a sweet liqueur on ice that appears in you hand. A breeze takes you over and reminds you of someone, of someplace you ache to go. Shadows dance in the woods and tempt you to follow, but the gentle sway of the rocker lulls you into reluctance and a smile.  Eyes close as your soul fills with the satisfaction that can only come when its most distant waves have finally found the shore.”


Just a Stolen Season

The unmastered digital versions of all of the songs on the new Stolen Season album (aka my jazzy snazzy love child aka that thing that’s eaten my brain and my life for the past umpteen months) are now available.  🙂  I will be getting together my promo efforts over the next couple of weeks, working with my album design team and my mastering engineer for the actual CD release of this thing, and filming a release concert for you and for YouTube.   For now, here’s the basic, luscious, lovely audio, laid bare for your listening pleasure.  (That sounded a little naughty because it was.)

I hope you like what I’ve made. 😀


Happy:  There’s a new Tricky Pixie concert on my schedule, for February 7th!

Get tickets here. 🙂

Wonders song art by Chaz for "Song of the Witches"

Wonders song art by Chaz for “Song of the Witches”

Less happy:  one of my best friends passed away on New Year’s Day.  His name was Stephen Jacob Bell.  I’ve known him half my life, and his widow, Anna, has been my friend for over ten years.  If you knew him as well, and this is the first time you’re getting the news of his passing, I am so very sorry.

Stephen was the spirit of kindness, in spite of his own physical and mental difficulties.  We met in college, and I have never known a soul so determined to stay sweet, regardless of what life threw at him.  He worked with a team who helped identify those who perished in New York City on September 11, 2001.  He worked to become a nondenominational minister and an advocate for alternative lifestyle people of all faiths.  He had a million inventions in his head that he wanted to get out into the world, and he had a million miles of love for everyone he called a friend.

There is a memorial fund going right now which you may contribute to, if you wish.