
Show listing correction & a boost for Little Rock

Just want to make sure everybody knows:  my March 22nd show in Cape Girardeau, MO is changing location! I’ll post details as soon as they’ve firmed up, but for now, just know that all’s well and the show is still going on. 🙂

I’ve got my first show of the month this coming Friday evening in Little Rock, shared with three of my favorite wimmen in the world: Big Bad Gina!  If you’ve heard “Beetz in my Salad” or seen the music video for that song, you’ll recognize all of them.  They’re my best sisters, and I can’t wait to share the stage with them again.  Please spread the word, and grab your tickets here!  We’ll debut at least one new song!


Interviews, Reviews, and Artistic Evolution

I had a fun radio interview with Kris Steinnes this afternoon!  You can catch it here if you like.

Also new today:  Here’s a lovely new review of my WONDERS album from Kirtap the Bard.

Thinky thoughts about reviews and evolving your art under the cut.  Read on if you like.

Read more…

Write, Record, Repeat

Working on recording new things this week, as well as some very patient projects that have been waiting their turn.  The belle of the ball today is a collaboration with a friend, a song called “Black Swan Blues” that I get a chance to make my own.

And no, we’re not talking about something inspired by the Black Swan film or by the popular financial events analysis book- though there is one quote from that book’s author (Nassim Nicholas Taleb) that I really appreciate: the normal is often irrelevant.

The phrase Black Swan has a whole bunch of connotations these days.  The most popular one seems to me to be what people call Black Swan Events.  World War I, for example.  More on all of that here.  In the case of the song I’m working on, we’re thinking of Black Swan in a different sort of way – think of a black swan as a black sheep, crossed with an earthquake or a thunderstorm. 🙂  A mover and a shaker.  Someone you least expect.  A prophet.  A radical.  A witch.  A god-form.  Joan of Arc.  Christ on the day he dressed down the money lenders.

Sound fun?

Stay tuned. 🙂  I may post a video blog entry of the recording process in a bit.

Special thanks to SatyrPhil, Syme, and Sandi for letting me run off with this idea and give it guitars.  Looking forward to the return of Arpeggio the Webcomic.

I made a thing! I entered a contest!

New Song! Hope you all enjoy this. Pretty well sums up how I feel about the positive aspects & beauty of the place I came from. 🙂
I wrote this for a song contest which closes today. The pro judges will pick the top 5 entries over the next two weeks, and then general voting begins on February 10. We’ll see if I make it into the top 5!

In the meantime, if this gets stuck in your head, that’ll make my day just fine.  If you look at the video on Youtube and click “show more”, you can read the lyrics and, if you’re curious, check out my explanation of the Arkansas references I use throughout the song.

Fingers crossed!  I very rarely enter contests, but I’m more happy than nervous about this one.  Feels good.


“A little music, a little magic, a lotta love!”

I had a blast being a guest on the Dr. Pat show yesterday.  She calls it Transformative Radio for a reason.

Dr. Pat and her crew have archived the interview, so click here if you’d like to listen!  We had a wonderful time boosting my upcoming show at the Women of Wisdom conference in Seattle, talking about what it takes to live your dream, and talking about my Wonders album.  Definitely in my top five favorite interviews ever!


Dr. Pat!

Dr. Pat!


One thing I did not get a chance to do during the interview was mention my foremost collaborator and stage mate, the incredible Betsy Tinney.  Betsy will join me in performance at the Women of Wisdom conference, and I’m thrilled to have her with me.  Plus, there’s that awesome new cello-tastic album of hers that you should go and download ASAP!



Little Super Powers

Many of us are fortunate enough to have woken up every morning of our lives, secure in the thought that somebody loves us. So many more of us have never had a morning like this. Plenty of us fit somewhere in between, and we know the ups and downs of both situations. Some of us have had that strong foundation of unconditional love since we were young. Some of us haven’t yet had a chance to learn what that feels like.  Where would you place yourself on that spectrum?

I’m not perfect, but I work to be kind and compassionate every day.  People have even told me that I make it look easy.  🙂 The truth is that I’ve never, ever had to wonder whether there is someone out in the world who loves me.  I’ve always known.  This, together with the innate compassion I believe I’ve inherited as a result, is such an amazing gift, and I’m very, very grateful to have it.

It’s the responsibility of those of us who are standing on rock solid ground, mentally and emotionally, thanks to that endless well of support we feel, to be as kind as we possibly can. I believe it’s one of our super powers, no matter what someone who prefers to think of kindness as weakness might say.  From what I’ve seen, compassion takes metric arse-loads of strength. Just ask anyone who’s had their heart stomped into the ground over and over, but who still keeps hope alive. Or, for instance, ask anyone who’s ever worked with Doctors Without Borders, or any other disaster aid organization.  I believe it makes a difference when we pull off being kind.  Even when it gets thrown back in our faces.  Even when we lose the battle.  Even when there’s no reciprocation at all.

You are so very strong. 🙂 Use your powers for good whenever you can.

Just a reminder



Tumblr at last

Just created a blog over on Tumblr, finally.

I decided to make it entirely frivolous, and not at all career related.  At least not on purpose.  🙂

Feel free to stop by!

The Jewels of our Stories

First things first:  Betsy’s CD release concert on Saturday night was OFF THE HOOK.  It was so good to see her get to be the star she richly deserves to be, for a COMPLETELY packed house!  Thank you all for coming out!  Thanks to Betsy for bringing us all together!  I was thrilled to get to make music with Vixy & Tony, Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff, Sunnie, Marcos, Alec, and of course Betsy.  Just wow.

The Belle of the Ball, the Queen of the Flapper Faeries

The Belle of the Ball, the Queen of the Flapper Faeries

We love our Betsy.  Download her album here.  Physical CD orders available soon!

And now, something else I need to share and celebrate today.  It’s January 13, 2014.

Five years ago today, I earned my one and only significant physical scar.  And you can barely see it now.
Five years ago today, my uncle the Rev. Hardy Peacock had reassured me that Friday the 13th was typically a lucky time for my family.

Beats Antique and The Hero’s Journey

Joseph Campbell had a lot to teach us.  Beats Antique, whose music I enjoy, has taken up the flag of Living Mythic.

Remember what I said a few days ago about recognizing others as the main character of their own story, just as I am the main character of mine?

I just started my Hero’s Journey.  Where will yours take you?