
#StolenSeason Temptress video is up!

I’ve got three more #StolenSeason videos to edit and upload before the new year. Wish me luck! I hope this little house-concert-style project has been worth the wait for you all.



someone who wants something from you is complimenting your looks, your mind, or your initiative.

Say thank you, but consider keeping your cards close until you find out what they’re after. Sometimes you can tell what they want. A reaction. A promotion. A compliment in kind. A weakness. More than you care to give. Sometimes you can tell that they want something from you in return for what they say. Sometimes it’s all right. Sometimes it isn’t. Sometimes they know it. Sometimes they don’t.

Sometimes you can tell. It will get easier with practice.



someone who truly cares about you is saying “I love you,” or “you look great,” or “you make me so proud,” or “thank you for coming.”

Say thank you, and try to believe them. These are the people who mean it, and who want nothing in return for their words of affirmation. I know that it’s hard to believe them when you’re feeling awful, or your heart is broken, or you’re so accustomed to receiving compliments from people who give them to you in order to further an agenda. But try.


Some of us will see people we only see once a year this holiday season. Some of us will see people we haven’t seen in ages. It will be awkward. It could be painful. It could be the start of moments which will become joyful memories in the coming months.

Grab hold of those shining moments, and let the rest fall away.

If you can.

If you cannot let it fall away right now, remember to breathe.

I don’t know why it’s so much easier for me to remember the words and the people that hurt me, than it is to remember the kind, sometimes life-changing things people have said to me. I don’t know why I have to fight to remember those things and fight to forget the others.

But my wish for you this time of year, this year, this moment, is that it will be easier for you to remember the words and the people who love you, who say wonderful things that you can barely believe, that they really mean, because they care about you. Take care. Be well. You have my support, in lyrical form, whenever you can access it, whenever you like. It’s not much, but I mean every word. Thank you.

New Song, Free Downloads, Achievement Unlocked

Here’s my spooky, goth industrial new seasonal song about Krampus! You may grab it for free, or for the price of your choosing.  This music style isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but believe it or not, it’s one of my favorite influences.  I like letting this part of my creativity out of the box from time to time.

I’ve wanted to write a Krampus carol for ages, folklore nerd that I am.  Achievement unlocked. 😉  Lyrics and inspiration and spookiness here.

For the other side of the sonic coin, here’s my acoustic Winter Solstice tune, which is also available for free or for whatever you’d like to pay.  The meaning of the lyrics is heartfelt.  Whomever and wherever you are this season, I wish you safe and sound.

Reminder: One! More! Show!

I’ll be singing for free at Conway Arkansas’ Pagan Pride Day celebration this Saturday! It’s my last concert for 2015, and the weather forecast looks mighty fine.  The event runs from 2-8pm in Laurel Park, and absolutely everyone is welcome.  There will be vendors, concerts, workshops, a raffle, and more!

My recording studio just got a remodel of sorts!  Since its awakening in late 2011, The Pixiehouse has had no insulation, and so it was a fair weather workspace at best.  That didn’t stop me from suffering chilly winter temps and sweltering summer temps alike in order to Get Shtuff Done, but I won’t have to do that anymore.  My partner and I worked together over last week to install insulation in the walls and ceiling, and the comfort level of my beautiful little space has already increased in so many ways!  I’m still putting its aesthetic aspects back together, but it’s functional again….and LOTS warmer!  If I have it in me, I’ll film and post a new video tour of the space for YouTube soon.

Today’s PPD Concert Rescheduled for November 14!

Today was to be Conway (Arkansas) Pagan Pride Day’s 2nd annual event, but the organizers have wisely chosen to reschedule the day’s festivities for November 14th. As I wasn’t looking forward to getting washed away, I’m 100% ok with this. 🙂 Sheldon and the other event wranglers have been extremely accommodating and kind to me ever since they first got in touch with me about performing at the first Conway Pagan Pride Day, which was last fall. I’m very proud to be part of what they’re doing, and I’m glad they found a way to keep from getting rained out entirely!

Here’s the info on the event as it currently stands.

Since I don’t have an event today, I’m enjoying the unexpected downtime by getting a little work done, walking around in the quiet misty morning, and making plans to visit old friends.  My bobtail cat Gawain took a walk with me earlier, and so did my camera. 🙂



Oct 24 Concert Rescheduled for Nov 14!

Tomorrow was to be Conway (Arkansas) Pagan Pride Day’s 2nd annual event, but the organizers have wisely chosen to reschedule the day’s festivities for November 14th.  As I wasn’t looking forward to getting washed away, I’m 100% ok with this. 🙂 Sheldon and the other event wranglers have been extremely accommodating and kind to me ever since they first got in touch with me about performing at the first Conway Pagan Pride Day, which was last fall.  I’m very proud to be part of what they’re doing, and I’m glad they found a way to keep from getting rained out entirely!

Here’s the info on the event as it currently stands.

It’s raining buckets at my house right now, for the first time since I came home to conclude my summer tour last month.  The visiting flocks of wild geese are having a pool party about it.  I’d almost forgotten what rainy days feel like.  Because of this, there’s a joy and excitement in the air, at least for me.  If I didn’t know better, I’d say that that means I need to get out more.  🙂 I freely admit that I’ve missed rainy days, even though a string of them wreaked a bit of havoc on my summer concerts.  Sometimes it’s good to have a day to appreciate small changes, rain drops, and quiet.   Hope you’re having a day of contentment, too.


What I’m Listening To Lately

Got to share some stage time last weekend in Memphis with the mastermind of this project. Buck has a big tasty producer brain in his head. Check it out!

“Persephone was a friend of mine…”

Those are the opening lyrics of our song sister Kate “Dogwood” McKnight’s newest collection of songs- nay, her first fully grown album of loveliness! You must, you must dive into this heart-chilling sea of pomegranate goodness.  Click play.  Go.  Listen. Bask in ukulele and luscious bold soprano and piratitude and and and. And yes, I’m thrilled to have played just a little bit of drum on the first track, together with Betsy’s cello! We love you, Dogwood!


More Seasonal Goodness

I got a mention in Huffington Post’s Mabon article last year, and I only just found out! 😀 “Especially evocative”, they said! 😀 I like it!

My songwriting prompt this week was the phrase “summertime sky”.  This one’s gonna get people dancing at festivals, I have no doubt.  Can’t wait!


Dance the Fairy Ring (Each Season’s Change)

Summertime sky is high at the Solstice
Dragonflies are kings of the air.
Starlight reigns when sunset’s over
Bright as the fireflies glowing there.
They dance the faery ring

Autumn sky is blue for the Harvest.
Smoke and mystery soon rise.
The very air grows thick with spirits
taking the place of the fireflies.

Dancedance the fairy ring!
Revel in each season’s change!
Will-o-the-wisps are beckoning,
dance the fairy ring!

Winter sky is pale and vivid,
Promises on the whistling wind.
Magic of the cold and quiet
brings our dancing back again.
And we dance the fairy ring

Spring, the sky is full to bursting.
Rainfall bids us all to wake,
just as flowers rise and riot,
blooming fit for the earth to shake!

Dancedance the fairy ring!
Revel in each season’s change!
Will-o-the-wisps are beckoning,
dance the fairy ring!
Dancedance the fairy ring!
Revel in each season’s change!
The Wheel of the Year turns round again
as we dance the fairy ring!

Harvest Home – Mabon – Autumnal Equinox

Autumn burns before me,

around me and within.

Nothing less than magic

could draw the Winter in.

No less than these colors,

this wild and dancing wind,

could summon up an Equinox

to bid the change begin.

Blessed be the chaos,

the pattern and the dance!

Blessed be the falling leaves,

their colors all enhanced

by their dying! Blessed be the change

that sees the veil grow thin!

Autumn burns before me,

around me and within.

All Hail This Harvest Home! 

May we never dance alone!

All Hail This Harvest Home!

Let the change begin!

All Hail This Harvest Home!

May we never feast alone!

All Hail This Harvest Home!

Let the dance begin!


I promise to put music to this at some point. When I realized where/when we are on the calendar this morning, I had to sit right down and write something for Mabon.  May you feast today, and may you continue to feast as the colors grow more vivid, the pumpkins grow in number, and the Wheel of the Year turns on!
