
Welcome Home!

Last night’s relaunch concert for SidheHaven and its community near Olympia was 100% divine. Bekah Kelso and I wrote a new song together for the occasion, and our first-ever performance of it last night was verrrrrry well received. We’re working to get it recorded now. Please enjoy the lyrics for the time being. Thanks to last night’s crowd for a brilliant debut, and thanks to Betsy, Ryan Kelso, Autumn and Jenny for adding their own mojo to this new piece at a moment’s notice!

WELCOME HOME (the SidheHaven song)
Lyrics/music by SJ & BK 2014

Drive through the tunnels of green ’til the pavement ends
Where you can’t see the lights of the city when darkness descends
Under the watch of the mountain, we make our way
Let out your laughter and offer it up to the Fae

Weavers and dreamers out under the stars
Walking the mystery right where we are
Follow the firelight, follow your heart
Know you belong here, right from the start

Welcome home
Let the magic happen
Here we stand
In our own backyard
Hand in hand
Oh we started something
Bless this land
Let your heart recharge
Well, Welcome home

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An Easy Autumn Tune

I’m home tonight in my little backwoods retreat, under bright November stars.  All of my friends are doing amazing things (WindyCon, I’m looking at you), and I am only now recovered from last week’s FaerieCon East, which was delightful.  Sharing the stage with Betsy on cello, as in all the best of my dreams, and with new friend and drummer Ken Om Crampton, was soul-filling and heart-lifting.  I am so glad to know those two, and their friendship will help me get through my no-touring Holidays time, when I’m hunkered down, visiting family and finishing new song mixes at home.

I spent some time tracking a new song yesterday and today, my first recorded collaboration with Bekah Kelso since the Ember Days film score.  Bekah is incredible, and you should absolutely support her newest project, Bekah Kelso & The Fellas, based in San Antonio.  They recently blew up the San Antionio Music Awards for the second year in a row, and little wonder.  The song I got to write with Bekah this fall is a tribute that ties in nicely with the next bit of news on my list.  It’s a theme song for one of our favorite places.  Read on.

My last scheduled performance of 2014 is one week from tonight in Washington state, and it’s gonna be a killer- I’ll be sharing stage time with Bekah, Sunnie, Betsy, Sharon, Winter, and Marcos.  This’ll be the first time this particular group of all of us has ever done a concert all together, and the cause is absolutely one to celebrate.  Thank you, Sherry, for bringing us all home to Sidhehaven once again!  See my tour page for more info.

It’s been a big week in the news.  Entirely justifiable unrest and struggle continues in Ferguson, Missouri.  Walmart employees have initiated their first sit-down strike ever.  The latest round of US elections came and went, and we’re all still here.  We now know that it’s not only possible to land on a comet, but also to hear that comet singing.

And in news which will surprise no one at all, I am the Firebird.

Firebird's Child by Kirk Lanier Photography

Firebird’s Child by Kirk Lanier Photography

Also a faun and a hawk and a general shape shifter fairytale kinda girl.  Many thanks to Kirk Lanier for putting me in front of his lens again!

Faun Sooj by Kirk Lanier

Faun Sooj by Kirk Lanier

Shape Shifter Sooj by Kirk Lanier

Shape Shifter Sooj by Kirk Lanier

















All Sweet, No Bitter

Ten years in, I know that music is going to be my business for life.  Not just because I’m essentially job-proof for anything un-artsy at this point, more because this is where my heart is, where my spirit is most lifted, and where my soul gets fed.  It’s rarely easy, but the rewards balance out all the fatigue, stress, and frustration.  Really, they do.

It’s days like today that remind me how true this is, days like today when I must turn down a truly spectacular and fun opportunity in order to keep my word to equally fun bookings that were already in place.

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Witching Hour

You may or may not have read my blog post from several weeks ago, marking the changing of the seasons and my thoughts about having a real live home of my own for the first time. 🙂

I’m traveling again this week.

On the bus and the train that took me north out of Boston this morning, I was reminded how much I really do love to travel, how much I love being on the move.

The fall colors helped to remind me, of course.  New England is taking her time with the beauty of the trees this year.  Halloween will be here in just a few hours, and yet even up in Maine, where I’m spending the weekend, the dance of the leaves is far from over.  Everything is vivid and vibrant still, not yet gone to the starkness of wintertime.

Portland ME

This time of year has always made me happy.  There is a definite tingle in the air that I do not feel at any other time.  I didn’t know what to call it when I was a child, but I felt it then as well.  There’s always magic in the air, all year, but for some reason I find it easier to feel in the Autumn.  Times of transition, perhaps, allow the zaps to crackle more assertively, more noticeably.  Some say the veil is thinner right now, and I wouldn’t tell them that they’re wrong.

photo 1

I’ve had a quiet and restorative season at home, but I get to round it out on the road, visiting friends and performing near Baltimore and DC, and I am absolutely thrilled.  This is how I know I’ve rested enough: I’m happy being on the road at this moment, every moment.  Victory.

The crew and I are hoping to get some pumpkin carving in tomorrow.  If our efforts prove successful, I’ll post photos.

The Halloween Online Studio Tour is up for one more week!  Visit the tour or go directly to my trick-or-treat page if you prefer.  I’m donating 20% of my sales this month through the tour to Turpentine Creek Big Cat Refuge in Northwest Arkansas.

Shows this month and more

My tour schedule is very light this month, with just a few fun events in Tennessee and Arkansas, starting tomorrow!

Oct 16-20 2014: Summerland Grove’s Festival of Souls 2014
Meeman Shelby State Park, Piersol Group Camp
910 Riddick Road, Millington, TN 38053

S. J. performs at her home festival once again this Samhain, courtesy of Summerland Grove, along with DJ Tempest, Buck Potter, and Tuatha Dea – a wild Tennessee tribe born of family and synergy who mix the best of ancient and modern music into something new, primal, and unforgettable.
Guest speakers this year are Priestess Clark (Nancie Clark of SOTEC) KY and Byron Ballard (Folk work and Hoodoo). Check for event details and schedule.  S. J.’s concerts this year are at noon on Friday and Saturday! She will also appear as part of the Dragon’s Gaze Fire Troupe’s performance on Friday night!

Oct 24 2014, 7pm: Poets Scrounging
Gallery 360, 901 S. Rodney Parham Rd, Little Rock, AR 72204

S. J. will throw down with fellow local poets and performers at this companion event to Gallery 360′s Artists Scrounging art show. You can, too!  There is still time to answer the open call if you’d like to be part of this event!  See below for more information.

Gallery 360 is accepting registration for Poets Scrounging, a spoken word open mic sound extravaganza. 
Oct 24, 7pm, we will throw our usual open and free to the public party with food an beverages at 900 S Rodney Parham, Little Rock aka Gallery 360.  The evening will feature local poets and performers with something to say!

1. Register at
With your name, email and contact phone

2. Include an example of your poetry or work in your email
(Sound magicians call Jay at the Gallery 360 for tech requirements) 501-663-2222

3. Check your inbox for the lineup and details-we will stream live!

5. Deadline for submission is Oct 22.

Oct 26 2014: 2-8pm: Conway Pagan Pride Day – Free Outdoor Concert!
Simon Park, 800 Front Street, Conway, AR 72032
S. J. performs as part of Conway, Arkansas’ first ever Pagan Pride Day event!  Admission is free, and people of all faiths and philosophies are welcome.  Teach tolerance; choose love over fear!  Come on over.  Vendors, food, and music will all make up part of the day’s list of awesome things.  Special thanks to Sheldon, Allison, and the rest of the Conway Pagan Pride Fest team!

Next month I’m performing in Virginia, Maryland (woohoo, FaerieCon!) and Washington state before the Thanksgiving holiday. 
All the tour details are on my tour schedule page.


-Wonders, my most recent record, celebrated its first birthday on October 15, 2014! Happy birthday, little one!
Listen here:

-Matt Hawk- good friend, Lost Boy, and illustrator extraordinaire, is working on a Munchkin-like card game he hopes to market to game stores! I have personally played this game, called Widdershins, and I recommend it!   Here’s the project!

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Little Worlds Colliding

Confession time.  I’ve had a wonderful mind-vacation over the past couple of months, indulging in a new and fierce Monster High doll obsession. 🙂  It was Sirena Von Boo, the ghost-mermaid hybrid doll, who started it for me.  Then, I looked into the doll line’s rather intelligent use of mythology, and Sirena started getting a lot more company.  Then I had to get the dolls who are obvious musicians (Catty and Casta are hanging out in my recording studio, looking fabulous), and well… There’s a doll shelf in my future at this point, and I’m not the least bit ashamed. 😀

I believe Tumblr would call this a partial Shelfie.

I believe Tumblr would call this a partial Shelfie.

I realized how deep into the fandom I had truly gone over the weekend, when I was browsing a Halloween store and found myself wanting to cheer on a wee trick-or-treater and her mother for ruthlessly hunting the perfect Frankie Stein costume….and I knew exactly which character/doll/costume they were talking about.

Then I started thinking about how cool it would be for this little girl and all sorts of other kids if they could meet all the brilliant cosplayers I’ve met.  And then, how neat it would be for little kids to meet all of the wonderful geeks I’ve met, of various dedications and genders.  And then I jerked my own reins, because I realized that even starting that conversation with a random mother and daughter in a random Halloween Store in central Arkansas would be more complicated than I wanted it to be, and possibly frightening for the two of them.  🙂

But I can dream, right?  And I can keep giving a cheerful thumbs-up to all the awesome cosplays and trick-or-treaters I meet?

I forget sometimes that my world of conventions and festivals, music, fire, feathers and fun is not the world that everyone lives in.  Tell you what, though:  I never knew until I got adopted by bunches of facets of fandom how good it would feel to know that we don’t have to grow out of dressing up, Halloween, theatre, and so many other wonderful things.  We don’t have to grow too old for those things.  Too old, or too serious, or too sad.  We don’t have to let them go.  They’re still ours.  This is one of the things I can always count on to keep me going.

So here’s to all of you, no matter what year you were born, who are planning to go all out on a costume this year, whether or not it’s for Halloween. 🙂 Here’s to those of you who are going all out for your kids, for your fandom, for your friends, or most especially for yourself.  You’re awesome.


Remnants, Beauty, and Bliss: the Changing of the Seasons at Home

Summer and Autumn often walk hand in hand during the month of October, down in the Arkansas Delta where I grew up.  Summer puts on its last, most beautiful dress to show up Autumn, who’s always been an unapologetic fashionista.  They chase each other, they execute complicated partner-dance moves, they scream and fight and soothe and kiss.  They are the closest of sisters and the most ruthless of rivals.  Weather-wise, for us mere mortals, this can be by turns beautiful and frustrating.  Where flora and fauna are concerned, it is most assuredly beautiful.

Yesterday was the first day of deer season.  My sweetheart and I will be marking the perimeter of his family’s land, near the base of the Ouachita Mountains, with “No Hunting” purple paint over the next couple of days, if the rain will allow us.  This will discourage hunters and poachers (we hope) from trespassing, and it will give us a little more margin for error, as far as not getting shot at when we walk on our own property is concerned.  We are pretty far out in the country, and the danger of being mistaken for quarry is very real this time of year.  I expect to see a lot of deer and other beasts seeking sanctuary in our woods as the colder weather sets in.  For now, the leaves of the trees on the levee are just starting to change their colors from green to gold and red.  Daring pioneers, mostly sweet gum maples, are taking the initiative to shift their uniforms, trusting the rest to follow.

Many flocks of geese and families of deer as well as ducks, herons, and bald eagles have seen fit to visit our land in past years.  One day, during my first winter on the land, I counted thirteen great blue herons and five bald eagles, all visiting the lake at one time.  Seeing them all present, as if attending a great meeting, their forms in flight against the silver sky or at rest next to water and snow, was a wonder.

This past Friday evening, as I drove south on US highway 65 to my mother’s home, I was struck by the sight of the last riot of wild hibiscus in the ditches beside the road, fiercely green, white and red in the face of the coming cold, reveling in the rainfall.  These, in conjunction with lush cotton fields behind them, just on the other side of the railroad tracks, made for a vibrant color scheme against the stormy gray sky of early evening.  Harvest time is here, but the summer flowers could care less.

For several weeks now, Arkansas weather has flip-flopped from sun to rain, from thunderstorms to picnics, and from warm enough to swim to cold enough for boots.  I can only imagine the new depths of intensity (and discomfort) that climate change will bring.  For now, I can see the beauty in it, and I’m very grateful for that.

All Things Halloween

I do not have a Halloween Night concert this year, but I am taking part in some really interesting events this month which fit the theme.

OCTOBER 16-19:  I will be performing and vending at Summerland Grove’s Festival of Souls in Memphis, TN!  This event is my home festival, and I cannot recommend it enough.  Specifically a Pagan event, FOS welcomes all comers and boasts a candlelight labyrinth, concerts and fire dance performances, and meaningful rituals and celebrations- the veil is thin at this point in the Wheel of the Year, and FOS seeks to help us honor and celebrate our loved ones on the other side.  This year’s festival will be extra meaningful for me.  Not only is it a homecoming of sorts, but it will mark 10 years exactly since I lost my father, William Crosby Tucker.  It will also give me a chance, at last, to meet the band Tuatha Dea, who are sharing performance time with me at the event- we’ve been chasing each other around the country and across podcasts for months, and now we finally get to meet face to face!  This year’s FOS will also be the first time Dryad Tea will be on site, selling her lovely looseleaf wares, some of which are based on my music!

FRIDAY OCTOBER 24, 7pm:  Thanks to the beautiful Kelley Naylor Wise, I will join a fine flock of my fellow  Arkansan poets as they hold forth at an event called Poets Scrounging, companion poetry jam and open mic to Gallery 360‘s Artists Scrounging art show in Little Rock!  Join the Facebook event  or check my announcement listing to submit your own work and get in on the madness with me.  Deadline for participation is October 22nd.  There is no deadline for being in the audience.  Kelley says, also, that the event will stream live online!

SUNDAY OCTOBER 26, 2-8PM:  Conway, Arkansas, one of my new hometowns, is having its very first Pagan Pride Day festival ever.  The event is free and will take place in Simon Park.  We had a recent date change from October 25, but rest assured that October 26 is now the correct date for the event.  If you want to connect with other local spiritual types, and if you want to hear me sing for free, this is the place to be!

ALL MONTH LONG:  20% of my online sales will go to Turpentine Creek Big Cat Refuge in Northwest Arkansas, as part of the Halloween Studio Tour. 🙂  Lions and Tigers and Bears gotta eat.  Doom nom nom a la big kitty takes a lot of money and maintenance.  Having visited Turpentine Creek, I can tell you that it’s a great place and an ever growing facility.  Download or order my stuff this month, and it helps them out.



(trigger warning:  death, mortality, decomposition, funerary things)

I have a new Youtube obsession, and her name is Caitlin Doughty.  She’s funny, she’s lovely, and she’s a mortician in California.

It’s not the stalker kind of obsession.  I just can’t go through my day lately without looking up another fun mortician fact a la her web series, Ask A Mortician.  I heard Terry Gross’ interview of Caitlin on NPR’s Fresh Air this past Wednesday, and I was instantly a new fan.  Check out her collective’s website, The Order of the Good Death.

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Shifting Shapes and Flying Dreams

Shifting Shapes and Flying Dreams

Love is never what it seems


(I’m donating a percentage of all my October download sales to Turpentine Creek Big Cat Rescue, as part of the 2014 Online Studio Trick-or-Treat!)

Today’s post is about a dream I had one night last week.  If shape shifter magic and fairytales fire your imagination, read on. 🙂

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Stolen Season Album Update: Track List

These are NOT yet in their final running order, but I promised I would share!

Black Swan Blues

Dream of Mississippi

Believe in Lullabies (jazz club mix feat. Ginger Doss)


Girl Into Devil (I Belong to Me)

Sultry Summer Night

Little Bird

Stolen Season

Wild River Child

Handsome Rogue

Believe in Lullabies (late night mix feat. Betsy Tinney)