
Asheville soon, and beyond!

Hello, everyone! Thanks to Byron Ballard and everybody at Asheville Raven & Crone, I’ve got a concert this month in North Carolina! Here are the details:

Sunday, Dec 17, 5-6pm

Meet-N-Greet with S. J. Tucker.

6pm-8pm Concert

Asheville Raven & Crone: 640 Merrimon Ave Suite 207 Asheville NC 28804

$5-$20 suggested donation to cover S. J.’s expenses, and to benefit the store! Sooj will also have merch available for purchase & autographs during the meet & Greet.

Musician S. J. Tucker is the voice of lore at the campfire and the sharp laughter of modern myth, a whimsical wisdom keeper whose concert performances run the gamut from silly to sacred and back again. Witches & Pagans Magazine named her “the voice of neotribal Paganism”, and The Wild Hunt calls her work a surprise and a delight. Whether you found her through solid crowd favorites like “Hymn to Herne” or “Firebird’s Child”, or you’re encountering her fierce, welcoming spirit on stage for the first time this year, S. J. has a song for you. With deft guitar, skillful hand drums, and a siren’s compelling vocals, she wields an award-winning body of original music, both plugged and unplugged, known for changing lives and healing wounded hearts. S. J. (“Sooj” to fans & friends) is proud to contribute to the soundtrack of our emotional, spiritual, and magical (r)evolution.

Listen for free & join the fan family:

Tour dates & blog:

Back Sooj on Patreon:

Social media: @sjtuckermusic

Songs available on all eleventy-billion streaming apps.

Extra special thanks to Byron Ballard and everyone at Asheville Raven & Crone!

Next month, I’ll have shared shows in Belle, MO and Columbia, MO with Summer Osborne & Renée Janski! I’ve got all the details for the Belle show but I’m still waiting on details for the Columbia show. All will be revealed as usual at

If you’re part of my Patreon, you already know that I have a medical adventure unfolding before me. Feel free to send energy, prayers, witchcraft, healing, and any other beautiful thing you prefer to do, and you all have my thanks. Music, friends, and family will get me through this, side by side with all of you.

Muses on the Road Tour & online show!

Yall. So much to tell that I had to write a whole email broadcast about it! Go here for all the info!

I’m so excited for this, my last and longest tour of 2023, with my beloved bandmates. We’re going all the way from the Ozarks to California and back between October 20 and November 9, and we’re scheming a Halloween online show (either Oct 31 or Nov 2) that EVERYONE can see. Support our self-produced tour dates here if you like.

REMINDER: online show March 20!

ONLINE SHOW REMINDER for this coming MONDAY NIGHT! Join me if you can, just $5 to get your virtual seat:

GRAB A SHAKER if you’ve got one and can watch the show while I’m live-I’m planning to be fully live for this one, and my librarian co-conspirators have asked me to lead a shake-a-long for at least one song during the concert. The kiddos watching along in Dubuque at the county library will be MAKING shaker eggs and maracas during the show! Can you guess which song I’m planning for this?

More info on my two shows this month, online March 20th & Tampa/Thonotosassa, FL March 31 with Muses on the Road:

Support the Red Album fundraiser here if you like: (It’s going strong, approaching 11k now!)

In addition to our Red Album production fundraiser there, each musician contributing a song to the Red Album release gets to invite TWO PEOPLE to sponsor their track especially, for $75 or more. If you’re interested in being one of my two “Devil at the Door” sponsors, send me an email at The opportunity is first come, first served and will remain open through April 30th.

I have a new interview this week, courtesy of Colleen DuVall & her podcast, Women Who Howl at the Moon! This was my first time on the show, and we had a great time chatting about music & magic. Enjoy it here:

March 2023 shows & projects!

It’s been a wild month already over here. Lots of firsts for me in the past week, including my first stitches- I am okay. Just call me Scarface. (Seriously, though, I am ok. It’s pronounced Frahnkenshteen. How are You doing?)

As it’s International Women’s Day today, my posse and I are attempting to raise awareness about our Red Album project, which is a record-to-be of Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights. Here’s the teaser for my song, “Devil at the Door”: 

If we pull this off, both initial production fundraiser and record release, we’ll be sending donations of every single record sale to both Elevated Access and the National Abortion Federation, amazing nonprofits who help folx get safe & legal access to reproductive care here in the USA. If you’d like to help us reach our initial funding goal for album production, go here: 

We will soon be opening up pre-orders for the album itself, as well! I’ll get you that link immediately when the time comes. The record will feature new music from me and 18 other pagan bands & songwriters including Mama Gina, Alexander James Adams, Meren King, and more!

MEANWHILE, I have just two concerts this month, so I’m gonna make ‘em count!

  1. Please join me if you can for my online library show March 20th at 6:30pm Central time: This one’s a solo show, just $5, produced in cahoots with the Dubuque County Library System!
  2. If you’re in the Tampa area, Renée, Ginger, Lynda, and I, aka #MUSESONTHEROAD are coming to see you March 31st! Thanks to the Mystikal Scents store for hosting us on a Friday night! Details here: 

Those of you who stopped by and  bought music from me  on Bandcamp Friday last week, THANK YOU! Now, come join us & you’ll get to hear the newest of the new songs before they are released, over at  if you like! The more, the merrier.

Shows coming up soon!

Hi, folx! I’ve got shows coming up and I don’t want you to miss em.

First: thank you all SO MUCH for showing up in all the ways that you do, especially in supporting my online shows this decade so far. Truly helping me keep bills paid and lights on, emotionally as well as externally. Catch the next one Feb 23 or 25:

No need to purchase your tix in advance- online shows can’t run out of seats-but it gives me a little joy boost & punches my anxiety in the face if you do get ‘em ahead of time. 😉 Also, you’ll get an email reminder before the show begins so you don’t miss it. Win, win.

Free preview on my YouTube just posted yesterday, with CC:

Special downloads & other merch for the show (videos are here if you can’t attend the streams):

THIS COMING WEEKEND I’ll be in PA for Modern Mythicon & my first in-person shows of the year! Let me know if you will be there?
I’ll mask when not on stage, but feel free to come say hi or give me a big wave if you’ll be social distancing! I support all of this.

Any link that I’ve included for y’all here, please feel free to share it with others!

Feb 2023 shows & interviews & more!

Blessed Imbolc/Lammas to you all today! I have two concerts this month, one  my first face-to-face show  of the year, Modern Mythicon in Gettysburg, PA (I will be masked off stage, but please let me know if you plan to be there!),  and one online  just after my birthday.  Get details! 

I’ll perform on Saturday night at Mythicon (Frenchy & the Punk + This Way to the Egress Friday night!) with Ken Om Crampton & Kindred Crow! I also have a solo concert the next day.

Once home, I get to host an  online show and documentary film screening  Feb 23 and 25! Y’all come! Your presence=my present. Let your people know, please. This one is very special to me, with a co-star y’all haven’t yet seen me side by side with.

Interviews & Stuff

New interviews are happening! Soon you’ll hear me on the  Wordcrash  show with SatyrPhil Brucato and host Megan Alnico – turns out I am the first guest of the show who works primarily as a musician!

Wordcrash invites its guests to play brain games around their fandoms of choice. We had a blast! I’ll let you know when my episode comes out.

Just released this week is my interview on Everybody Speaks Music, hosted by my buddy Mojo Kemp & his guitar guru Kris Schulz, two great gents who asked great questions and held me in safety to talk about my triumphs and my struggles, alike.  Listen here  or wherever you enjoy podcasts.

A quick note about this one: Mojo chose to include the original version of my song “Lady Vagabond” at the end of the episode, a recording which includes the g-slur in the lyrics. He did not check with me before making this choice. I have rewritten the verses concerned which I created in my ignorance all those years ago, and I have plans to re-record them. I only ever perform the updated lyrics nowadays, but the fact that an updated recording isn’t yet available is entirely my fault. I apologize. I repent of my ignorance and continue to work to rectify it. Feel free to stop the podcast before the song begins.

(Good) Trouble at Home

If you’re so inclined and you have the juice for this, please consider following & keeping up with  inTRANSitive Arkansas  on social media and online. They are  helping us fight  against horrid anti-LGBT legislation (namely SB43) on its way to our new governor’s desk right now, sharing call and email scripts of what to say to the ARLEG in defense of our LGBT community here and offering extensive information on this year’s legislative sessions on their website. They are a source of hope and strength for me and for many others. I appreciate it.

Please also consider a donation to  Elevated Access , my current favorite flying allies of reproductive rights & access to care.

Mastodon & Patreon Going Strong!

Those of you who’ve come over to Mastodon,  I’m there, too , and you’re welcome to connect with me.

Want to hear my works in progress, download concert videos & unreleased songs, and learn ASAP about things I might not even be able to widely announce yet?  Become a Patron any time! 

December Shows & More!

In case you missed the brand new music video I released over the weekend, for my remix of a darkwave/synthpop song for which I wrote the lyrics called “Strangelic”:  

Both my remix and Sean C. Cook’s original mix will appear on all the major streaming platforms on or around December 9, but in the meantime, if you’d like to help us raise a little money for a local non-profit LGBTQIA+ aid organization, send your friends here to download the song at a price of their choosing:  

I have one online show this month, coming up Saturday, with my tour mate Leslie Hudson: 

December 12, I’ll give a short online guest stream with the Cauldron of Changes series on YouTube:  

The series is brand new, and I’ve been invited to play a couple of songs live and to share from the heart my thoughts on my own magical practice, my vision, and my hopes & feelings on our witchy community.

December 14, if you enjoy Twitch, come on over for  emptyVeeTV ‘s New Music O’clock video stream! They’ll be sharing the “Strangelic” video during that event, as well as other toothsome tunes and visuals from my colleagues in the goth music world. (Don’t worry, those of you who prefer my more acoustic-based work. I have new things on the horizon for you, too. I promise.)

LASTLY for this month, the big one: I have one more live concert for 2022 on December 19th. That one will be a MUSES ON THE ROAD concert and holiday party at George’s Majestic Ballroom in Fayetteville. If you’re in the area, grab a ticket, and please tell your people! 

We want it to feel like a holiday party as well as a concert, and friends, we are gonna make the most of this because we have not had the opportunity, all of us together, to share a stage since 2019. It’s gonna be very special, very festive, and we’ve got some new musical surprises up our sleeve. We’re also, fingers crossed, fully planning to record the whole thing. Actually, Ginger is planning to record the whole thing, because as you’ve heard me say plenty of times before, the Doss is a boss. 

Keep an eye on your favorite music streaming places over the next few days, because I was finally able to get a couple of my Bandcamp-only releases submitted for wider distribution:  Ember Days  and my two cryptid Carols, “ Welcome Mari Lwyd ” and “ The Feast of Krampus ” (both the electric and acoustic versions), should show up on Apple Music and all the others sometime later this week or next week! 

Online show + Twitch stream THIS WEEK

Sneaking in a post before diving back into birthday prep for my little sprite- he turns four tomorrow. Where am I, when am I, what is time?!?

I hope you’ll be able to join me this SATURDAY evening, Oct 29 at 8:30pm, for my LIVE-streaming Celestial+Spooky online concert! I’m making a list of songs I love to perform, some familiar and some as yet unreleased, about spooky things here on earth, and the beauty of the stars, moons, and other wonders out in space! Join me and you’ll be helping support my music, our Online Concert Thing platform, and local causes I adore. Special surprises and spooky door prizes will materialize as soon as we’ve sold 50+ tickets! All you have to do is purchase a ticket to be eligible to win. My Halloween online concert last year sold over 100, which was epic! Get your virtual “seat” here:

An important note: Renée Janski was originally scheduled to join me for this concert but she is isolating at home with Covid. We wish her the speediest and most complete of recoveries, plus all the comfort and puppy snuggles she can handle! I still plan to share ticket revenue with Renée, not least because her amazing dogs Dolly and Rainbow are surely working overtime to provide comfort right now–best doggos could always use more cash in the dog treats fund. I miss her so, but I know she’s in good hands. Paws. 😀 Do yourselves a favor if you don’t yet know Renée’s work, and check it out here:

(Click on the little player at the bottom right corner of her site, and it will expand so that you can listen to her songs!)

Those of you who enjoy both Twitch and goth/darkwave-flavored music, please join me this WEDNESDAY October 26 at 4pm Central, for EmptyVee TV’s New Music O’clock stream! They will be showing my new “Alchemist Eyes” music video during the program, as well as other toothsome new tracks and videos from gothy musicians worldwide. Watch here (mature audiences):

If you haven’t yet seen the video for “Alchemist Eyes”, here it is on my YouTube channel, with transcript or captions:

video preview


Get this new mix of the song here!

NEXT MONTH: I have several online events with two very different, very lovely co-stars! See me November 5th at 2pm on my YouTube channel (and other social media as well, if we can manage it) with my excellent Canadian song sibling Leslie Hudson for a live preview of our December 10 online show. Then, come back over to Online Concert Thing November 10 and/or 13 to see the beautiful poetry-and-music concert my desert poet sister Kat Heatherington filmed with me over mountains, rivers, and multiple homesteads:

Remember that you’re always welcome at my Patreon for as little as $1 a month if you’d like access to all of my online show videos and sneak-peeks/early listens of what I’m working on next. Thank you all for inspiring me and sticking with me, and may your Halloween/Samhain be sweet!

October Update: new song, video, shows!

Happy Spooktober, yall! I have a LOT of things to invite you to enjoy coming up shortly.

THIS FRIDAY October 7, I have a live concert in Memphis, TN, and I’ll also release a new single & premiere my first music video in ages! The song & video are to celebrate a new mix of my song, “Alchemist Eyes”, which will soon be available on all streaming platforms! Get it first at good old Bandcamp for #BandcampFriday and you’ll be giving me a little bit of extra support!
Catch the video premiere with captions on my YouTube channel, or watch it on Bandcamp when the song launches!

Lemme know if you’ll be in Memphis Friday:
October 7, 7:30-10:30pm
Black Lodge, 405 N Cleveland, Memphis, TN 38104
$15 advance (get tickets here) or $20 at the door

And don’t miss a FREE Online show October 8, 5-11pm Central (I’m on at 9pm): the 2022 Correllians Livestream Fundraiser, raising money to send a group representing the Pagan community to the Parliament of World’s Religions 2023! Watch on YouTube, on Facebook Live, or at Pagan World TV on Roku!
Tips welcome via PayPal, CashApp, or Venmo: sjtuckermusic

October 29, 2022 – 8:30pm CT
Online show: S. J. & Renée Janski, Celestial + Spooky
$12 and up:
Costumes optional, enchantment guaranteed.

I’ll also stick around to help Renée with the Day of Remembrance service on October 30 at UU Fellowship of Fayetteville. Join us (masked) in person or online:​

As always, if you want to see ALL the shows I have planned through December (four more events at least!) just visit the tour calendar: And if you’d like an early peek at new music & more, you’re always welcome at my Patreon:​

Shows & fun stuff Sept-Oct!

Hello, my dears near and far! I’m thrilled to say that I have quite a healthy handful of in-person AND online shows coming up between now and the end of October! Here they are:


Evening, September 24, 2022

Back to back with Frenchy & the Punk!

4H Camp Graham, 164 Springhill Rd, Clarksville, OH 45113

S. J. Tucker returns to EWF with her dynamic tour mate, Renée Janski!  Fall in love with Renée’s rich voice and gutsy piano! Let S. J.’s witchy wit and whimsy carry you away to kingdoms unknown!  Neither of these Arkansas-born songwriters can imagine life without music, and they don’t want you to have to do that, either.  Join us at EWF for fierce original songs from two Glamazon Witchy Warrior Queens on piano, guitar, hand drums, and bass.  S. J. and Renée have performed and traveled together for many years, and they can’t wait to see you–EWF will mark some of their first new shared adventures on tour this decade.  Our splendid fellow performers include Primal Rhythm, Soolah Hoops, Brian Henke, and the one & only Frenchy & the Punk!

2. Cincinnati: Sooj & Renée in Concert

September 26, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

St. John’s UU Church, 320 Resor Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45220

$15 donation at the door

Join us for an evening of music with S. J. Tucker & Renée Janski! Both have performed in Cinci before, but never before together!  Magic, mischief, and musical sass are all on the bill! $15 love donation at the door. Masks and social distancing encouraged.  Special thanks to Shelley Graff & the Cincinnati Womyn Singing in Sacred Circle, who’ll sing a special opening set!  Venue is ADA compliant.  See you there!

In case you missed it, Renée and I shared a FUN rehearsal video from the other night:

3. Sooj & Renée perform in Midtown Memphis

October 7, 2022 @ 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Black Lodge, 405 N Cleveland, Memphis, TN 38104

$15 advance: $20 at the door

Fantom Events & The Broom Closet are bringing Sooj & Renée to Midtown for one night only, and it’s sure to be a night of witchy musical goodness! Join us at Black Lodge’s new local event space for a saucy, sassy, song-filled evening like no other!  Missed you, Memphis; let’s do this!

4. FREE Online show: S. J., Meren King, Cloud, and Jon Anastasio perform at the 2022 Correllians Livestream Fundraiser!

October 8, 2022 – 5pm-11pm Central (S. J. performs at 9pm)

The group is raising money to send a group to the Parliament of World’s Religions 2023, to represent the Pagan Community! Watch on YouTube:

Facebook Live:

or Pagan World TV on Roku!

Tips welcome via PayPal, CashApp, or Venmo: sjtuckermusic

5. Online show: S. J. & Renée Janski, Celestial + Spooky

October 29, 2022 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

$12 and up:

Join two of our favorite sassy song-sisters for something of the celestial and the spooky, blended together for a single night! Let S. J. and Renée’s respective original songs (as well as a couple of borrowed surprises) sweep you away by moonlight: piano, guitar, bass, hand drums, jazz, blues, rock, and soul in the hands of these consummate performers make a recipe to remember! Costumes optional, enchantment guaranteed. Exclusive downloads and more assured!

I’ll also stick around to help Renée with the hybrid online Day of Remembrance service on October 30 at UU Fellowship of Fayetteville. Join us (masked) in person or online:

And that’s all I’ve got between now and Halloween, except that maybe, just maybe I’ll be ready to release the official music video for “Alchemist Eyes” as well as getting the song released as a single on all the big streaming platforms! If I manage that before Halloween, I’ll post right away!

As always, if you want to see ALL the shows I have planned through December (two more events at least!) just visit the tour calendar:

And if you’d like an EARLY peek at the music video and more, you’re always welcome at my Patreon: